Fourteen: A Talk

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Violetpaw stretched in her nest, the sounds of birds chirping unusually loud.She heard a few squirrels chattering and even the river rushing.
Her pelt itched, and she scratched it on her bedding, eyes still droopy with tiredness.

She clawed a skinny twig out of her fur, yawning widely.She felt oddly at peace, even after that strange dream last night.It was quite a mystery to her, yet she was determined to find out what it meant.Mabye it had something to do with the barn Fernpaw had shown her?

Her ears flattened to her head as she remembered the friendly, likeable Medicine-cat apprentice whom she had loved so dearly.

"Violetpaw, training!"Gorgepool's rough yet gentle voice called from outside the den. She got to her paws and hurried out to see him standing there, tail high.

"I think we'll ask some of the other apprentices if they want to train with us."he murmured.

She nodded. "Just don't let them slow me down,"she huffed. "I'm tired of being an apprentice."

Gorgepool glanced at her with suddenly irritated eyes, then stormed over to the apprentice den.He emerged a moment later, a sleepy Ashenpaw and a energetic Featherpaw behind him, Flamepaw and Moonpaw trailing along slowly.

"Our mentors said we had a day off today,"Ashenpaw whined, glancing longingly back at the apprentice den.
"I planned on sleeping in with Beepaw, not more training!"

"Don't worry, Ashenpaw,"Gorgepool lifted his chin. "You'll have a blast with me.I'm the best trainer around, isn't that right, Violetpaw?"his eyes twinkled in amusement.

"Yeah, sure."Violetpaw shrugged, pushing though the vines and outside into the woods.She blinked at Moonpaw as the black she-cat slipped into step beside her.

Moonpaw's head was low to the ground, her eyes confused and nervous. "Violetpaw, I have something to tell you..."she whispered, avoiding eye contact.

"What is it?"Violetpaw frowned. "You're acting strange, it must be serious....You can tell me."

Moonpaw nodded lightly. "Look, I-"

"Halt!"a raspy voice called, causing them all to freeze in place.Gorgepool leapt in front of them gracefully, arching his back. "If ye wish to pass to the royal training grounds, ye must first show ye worthiness!"he joked, blocking the way to the training area.

"Gorgepool, don't-"Violetpaw felt her fur grow hot, embarrassed by her mentor's strange behaviour.

"Don't worry, I'm the strongest cat in these woods,"Ashenpaw scoffed, pushing past Violetpaw and Moonpaw to face Gorgepool, puffing out his chest. "Kneel before me, or else!"

Gorgepool flattened himself to the ground, eyes wide with fear. "Oh no! Continue, young whippersnapper, to the royal training grounds."

Gorgepool whirled around, dashing away, Ashenpaw, Flamepaw and Flowerpaw hot on his trail.
Violetpaw sighed, quickening her pace to hurry after them, aware of Moonpaw softly trotting behind.

As they entered the clearing, Gorgepool had already begun with training, his tail arched over his back as he yowled instructions to Ashenpaw.

"Attack Flamepaw, but with claws sheathed."he told him, fur fluffed out for effect.

Ashenpaw leapt at the she-cat, hooking his paws under her and flipping her onto her back.He placed his paws on her chest and she gazed fearfully into his gray eyes, causing him to look away, towards Gorgepool. "Like that?"


He stepped off her, and she shook her pelt, scrambling to her paws. "That was fast! You had me down in a heartbeat!"

Ashenpaw nodded curtly to her, before slinking away to the other side of the clearing and sitting under a tree, watching them through narrowed eyes.

"What in StarClan's name was that about?"Violetpaw grumbled.

"Don't know."Moonpaw shrugged, standing there like a statue.Her eyes were fixed on Violetpaw, but they seemed to be searching her soul....or something...

"What?"Violetpaw frowned, gazing at Moonpaw with curious yet irritated eyes.


Doom padded toward them, her glossy fur shimmering in the sunlight. "How cute, a training session! I'm sure these will be fun to watch."she purred, eyes flickering between Gorgepool and Violetpaw.

Gorgepool glared irritably at the wild cat. "What do you want, Doom? As you can clearly tell, we are busy.We mustn't be disturbed."his tail tip flicked impatiently.

"Let me talk to her,"Flamepaw suggested. "Mabye I can show her around our territory? I'll be back later."she hurried over to Doom's side, giving Violetpaw a long glance.
The two dipped their heads close in conversation, walking away slowly.

"Since when are they friends? I thought Doom didn't even like her."Ashenpaw whispered, materializing beside Violetpaw and scaring the living life out of her.She flinched heavily, glaring daggers at him.

"How should I know?"she snapped, turning sharply and nearly smashing
her scarred muzzle into Moonpaw's. She jerked away, crashing into Ashenpaw.

"Ugh, everybody get away from me!"she hissed, bounding for the nearest tree and easily scaling it.She crouched halfway up and glared down at them.

Moonpaw inched over, eyes round. "Sorry, Violetpaw, honest! I didn't mean to get in your way, but we really need to talk!"

"Why? Why me?"Violetpaw huffed, but moved to make room on her branch.The black and white furred she-cat dug her claws deep into the tree branch, eyes widening even more.

"So what did you-"

"I...I think I might be aromatic!"Moonpaw blurted, squeezing her eyes closed for a moment, then prying them open and gazing expectantly at Violetpaw.

"Aromatic? Okay.Why would you tell me that?"

"Not just that....I also....I want to go by they/she pronouns.I've been thinking a lot lately about all that stuff, and, well...I feel like I'd be happier that way."Moonpaw exhaled loudly, seeming relieved.

"Well then I don't mind,"Violetpaw shrugged, which made her almost fall out of the tree. "My opinion wouldn't much matter to you, I feel."

Moonpaw giggled softly. "I thought you'd hate me, 'cause you're, well- you."
They flicked Violetpaw's shoulder with their tail tip.

"Really? Am I that rude?"Violetpaw gawked, acting more offended than she really was.

"Ehhh-?"Moonpaw offered a smile, then they both chuckled.

"I'm sorry.I'll try to be a bit nicer."she sighed. "But if I'm not intimidating, people will pick on me, won't they? Like Ashenpaw."

"I'm sure he won't.He's got Beepaw to stop him now."Moonpaw shrugged. "You'll be fine, Violetpaw."

"I hope so.I'm uncertain about Doom.She.....she makes me feel...uneasy."Violetpaw admitted.

"I get it,"Moonpaw nodded. "She has an eery glint in her eyes.Keep a close eye on her."

"I will, don't worry."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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