Nine: Catnapped

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Five sunrises passed and Violetpaw became more and more distant.
She excluded herself from any activity, refused to leave the camp and slept in the apprentice den most of the day.

Flowerpaw grew worried for her, and began spending more and more time with her foster sister.

Flowerpaw laid down beside Violetpaw, right outside the apprentice den.
"Violetpaw, please, eat something."
she shoved a small thrush over to her.

The black apprentice shook her head, shoving it away and laying her head on her paws. "No.I'm not hungry."
It wasn't a lie, she'd lost her appetite.

Fernpaw hasn't visited her in her dreams.She couldn't seem to find the medicine apprentice in StarClan at all.Every night she'd search and search and search, with no luck.

"Please? You haven't eaten since Fer- for five days! You need food! You're skinnier than a stick!"Flowerpaw cried.

"I don't know, Flowerpaw..."she mumbled, watching Willowsong pad over to the nursery and begin talking to Antbite.

"Well I do,"Flowerpaw said fiercely. "You can't let a death stop you from being you.The Violetpaw I know and love is grumpy, yet plays, hunts and enjoys eating prey."

Flamepaw and Featherpaw padded over to them, heading inside the apprentice den after sending Violetpaw sympathetic looks.

"Flowerpaw, I'm just so tired of it! All the pity, sympathy and sad looks! Cats act like I'm delicate glass, about to shatter before them! But I'm not! That's why I like you more than our sisters, you're honest with me."
Violetpaw heaved a sigh, starting to pluck out the feathers.

"I know.I act this way, because I, too, find it annoying when people pity me.I'm tougher than I appear, trust me."Flowerpaw giggled lightly.

Violetpaw took a bite from the thrush. "That's just it! I thought having a scar would make me seem tougher, which made me a bit less sad about getting it.
But it turns out, it just makes people think you're traumatized by the experience of getting it."

"Yes! When I-"

"Guys? Where's Brackenstar?"Beargrowl asked, coming into the camp.He'd gone out looking for Brackenstar and must not have found him.His eyes were narrowed.

"I thought he was in his den?"Holloweye sounded worried. "He was in my patrol and said he heard something and would go check it out.So we continued on and thought he'd returned.

Beargrowl peered in the leader den, then popped it back out and shook his head. "No."

Violetpaw and Flowerpaw both got to their feet.

"Well, where is he!?"Beargrowl hissed, leaping up onto a large boulder.

"Clan meeting!"his distressed meow sounded, calling everyone out of their dens.

"Brackenstar is missing! We must find him! Everyone go out in the forest and search for him, stay in groups of three or more.Queens, Elders and Kits, search the dens or outskirts of camp."

Everyone looked worried, scared or downright confused as they began finding groups to go in.

Violetpaw padded over to Moonpaw, Beepaw and Ashenpaw. "Can I go with you guys?"

"Sure!"Moonpaw squealed at the same time Ashenpaw snapped, "No!"

Both apprentices glared at each other, before looking at Beepaw for a tiebreaker. He blinked nervously. "Sorry, Ash, but, Violetpaw can come."

Violetpaw nodded, following Moonpaw out of the camp, the two toms following behind her.

"Where do you think he could've gone?"Moonpaw glanced all around, spotting another patrol going in the opposite direction.

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