Seven: The Rushing River

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Fernpaw's PoV ~

Fernpaw had never been so scared in her life.She peered out of her den in the morning to see Violetpaw limping into camp, a mess of cobwebs on her muzzle. She smelt like herbs, SeagullClan and blood.

She rushed over to Violetpaw's side, flinching as Violetpaw glared fiercely at her. "Don't touch me!"
Fernpaw had never seen her eyes so angry before, and so she backed away.

"What's wrong?"she squeaked, as cats started pouring out of their dens.

"Nothing! Now let me through."she tried to make it to the medicine den, but cats kept blocking the way and asking questions.

"Violetpaw? Who hurt you?"

"Violetpaw, are you okay?!"

"Violetpaw, let me get you something to eat! Are you hungry?"

"Do you want me to give you a hug, Violetpaw?"

The last one of course was Beepaw, a mouse-brain indeed if you asked Fernpaw. Sure, he was fun to hang out with, but he was sometimes down-right silly.His leg was healing well, though.

Violetpaw finally managed to make it to the medicine den, and quickly hurried inside, her tail swishing the vines closed behind her.

"Guys! Leave her alone, she needs to get some rest."Fernpaw swiftly leapt up onto a rock, peering down at her Clanmates. "Don't you want her to be feeling better?"

Most of them nodded.

"Then leave her be- and also, why do I smell SeagullClan warriors?"she gaze flicked over to the entrance, and she gasped lightly to see Dandelionstar, Poppyflower, Doveleaf and Jaymist stalking into camp, irritated looks on their faces.

"Where's Brackenstar?"Poppyflower demanded, digging her claws into the earth.

"Out on the dawn patrol,"Beargrowl stepped forward. "Why?"

Fernpaw narrowed her eyes. This had something to do with Violetpaw, didn't it?

"We caught one of your apprentices fighting a fox alone.She was wounded badly so we took her to our camp and fixed her up some.We were then bringing her back here when she took off running and left us."Dandelionstar explained calmly, flicking her angry deputy on the back with her tail.

"I'm very sorry,"Beargrowl dipped his head. "I'll try to keep the apprentices under more control, and teach them some manners as well."

"Very well,"Dandelionstar meowed. "Thank you for your time, Bearstar,"she joked with a friendly wink. "We must be going."

Beargrowl chuckled lightly. "Of course, Dandelionstar.See you all at the next gathering, which will go better, I hope."

As the patrol began to leave, Fernpaw used that as a distraction to sneak away to the medicine den.
She walked in to see Flyingfeather leaning over the puddle of water to reach a nice looking stick.
Violetpaw was resting in a nest, her face looking distressed and unhappy.

"Flyingfeather,"Fernpaw hissed quietly, hurrying over to her silky mentor's side. "What did you do or say to her!?"
she bristled, fluffy up her tail.

"Nothing unnecessary, darling."Flyingfeather whispered gently, stroking Fernpaw's chin with her tail tip.

Fernpaw snatched her head away, glaring definitely at her. "Don't touch me! And you're not my mother, so stop acting like one!"

Fernpaw took off running, slipping out of the entrance of the den. She let the tears pour as she rushed through camp, entrance not in sight, but in senses.
She heard multiple cats ask if she was okay, but she ignored them, hurrying on. She leapt over fallen trees and stumps, rocks and puddles, bugs and thorns, patches of flowers.

She kept running, for she didn't want to face her Clan, Violetpaw and most of all: Flyingfeather. Something was seriously wrong with that medicine cat, although every medicine cat seemed to have problems these days.

And I can't say I'm much better...

She skidded to a stop when she came to a rushing river, digging her claws into the soggy shore.She glanced up at the trees, and sighed.

"Hello there, beautiful."came a soft, higher pitched voice of a tom-cat.
A black and white tom slunk closer to her, his eyes friendly, yet hiding something. "How are you? What's your name?"

"Fernpaw, and not good....You are-?"she mumbled, turning to face him and backing up a few steps.

"Rebel,"he snorted. "And you don't have to be afraid of me! I'll be your best friend for life.Just you and I."
he came closer and rubbed his cheek against hers.

She froze in terror. "S-stop that! I have a girlfriend.....technically...."she hissed, backing up from his embrace.

Rebel looked alarmed. "You? Are you a boy?"

"No! For StarClan's Sake!"she rolled her eyes heavily.

"Then how-"Rebel looked very confused, which made Fernpaw laugh.

"I'm bisexual,"Fernpaw snorted. "I find both sexualities attractive."

"So weird."Rebel snorted, shaking his head slowly. "But, you'll still be my mate, right?"he padded closer, till his nose bumped into Fernpaw's.

"No, stop!"Fernpaw reared up on her hind legs, bringing her weight down on his head.She felt a crack as her paws sent his head down on a stone.
She stepped back in fear as blood dripped out of his chin, and his eyes glazed over white.

"N-no!"she yelped, stumbling away backward like it was a deadly creature.
"No....I'm not a monster! I don't kill!"

She'd basically broken the medicine cat code, accidentally!

Rebel's mouth was parted open ever-so slightly, and his yellow teeth gleamed sharply.

Whirling around, Fernpaw took off running at full speed, everything in her mind screaming at her all at once.




You're no medicine cat!

Die, beast, die!

Lousy excuse of a cat!

Downright rude!

She let out a sob, then felt the ground beneath her paws gone.
She opened her eyes to see the river looming before her, but could do nothing as she plunged in, water surrounding her.

She flailed her paws crazily, water flooding her eyes and nose.
Her head was thrown under the water, and she pushed and pulled at every thing that whisked by her, trying to latch onto something.

Her head broke the water, and she gasped in relief, spotting a low bank where she might be able to climb out.
Determined, she gave a burst of energy, leaping for the bank. But then she felt something stab her in the side, and the water ran red around her. She sent a tingling sensation in her side, and black and red started to cloud her vision.

Then everyone went dark.

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