Four: Disrupted Gathering

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"Look! That cloud looks like a cat!"Fernpaw's cheery mew sounded to Violetpaw's right as the two lay on a grassy hill, staring up at the sky.

"It really does!"Violetpaw agreed.

"And that one like a mountain! Oh and that one looks like you!"Fernpaw giggled, flicking her tail to and fro.

"I mean, it kind of does!"Violetpaw titled her head slightly.

Violetpaw had been visiting with Fernpaw in her dreams for the last moon, and it couldn't be better.
She'd seen so many cool places, had so much fun and witnessed many funny things. Who knew a medicine cat apprentice could be so much fun?

"So, Fernpaw, I've been thinking,"Violetpaw moved to sit up, shaking her fur to clear away the grass.
She gazed at the beautiful brown she-cat. "Would you like to go for a walk in the real world? Like, see real things? I thought that'd be kind of fun."

Fernpaw also sat up, shaking her fur.
"I actually never thought about that!! We totally should."

"How about tomorrow morning?"
Violetpaw needed a distraction.
She was getting overwhelmed with training, chores and Clanmates.

"Alright, see you then."Fernpaw dipped her head, settling back down in a loaf lay.

Right as Violetpaw was about to say something , she was startled awake, a furry paw inches away from her face.

"Violetpaw! Wake up! The gathering patrol is back!"Beepaw cheered, nudging her side again.

Flamepaw yawned, stretching. "Already? It seems like they just left!"

"Probably because you fell asleep as soon as they left, mouse-brain."Featherpaw teased, cuffing her sister's ear with a sheathed paw.

The four apprentices padded out of the den to see the patrol looked uneasy.
Wonder what had happened?

Brackenstar had begun pacing as Beargrowl explained to some gathered cats what had happened.
Flyingfeather looked emotionless, gazing at her paws.

Fernpaw excited the medicine den, blinking in confusion at Violetpaw.
She shrugged in response.

Violetpaw pushed past Coldfall to sit down next to Crowwing.

"We were  having a great time, chatting and what-not, when these things showed up,"Beargrowl nosed Dawnkit, Barkkit and Snowkit.
"Foxstar would not let us go for bringing kits along, even though we didn't.They followed us.Then we all started arguing, and the clouds covered the moon, signalling we should leave."

Oceanfoot hurried over and began scolding her kits. "I was worried sick about you three! Never do that again."

"Yes, Mother..."Barkkit licked her nose.

"Yes, Mama!"Snowkit beamed, not understanding what she'd done wrong.

"I don't get why kits aren't aloud to go to gatherings! It's not fair!"Dawnkit snarled, slapping her mothers paw away.

Dawnkit reminded Violetpaw a lot of herself.She wasn't sure if that was bad or good.

"That's just how it is.You'll disrupt the entire Clans.Now, hush."
Oceanfoot scolded her harshly, flattening her white ears to her head as she ushered her kits back into the nursery.

Brackenstar let out a sigh. "I can't believe it.Another gathering, ruined."
He arched his tail over his back, a depressed frown on his snout.
Violetpaw felt kind of bad for him.

Beargrowl nudged him in the neck lightly. "Never mind that.Let's get you rested up for another day tomorrow.Everyone, time for sleep.Goldeneye, your up first for night watch."He padded after the leader, seeing him to his den.

Violetpaw frowned, not at all tired.
She saw Flyingfeather sitting next to Fernpaw, and slunk over to them, sitting down and wrapping her tail around her paws. "Hello."

"How are you?"Flyingfeather asked gently, shooting Violetpaw a sad look.

"Fine,"Violetpaw shrugged. "Why wouldn't I be?"

The medicine cat looked slightly surprised, but covered it quickly. "I don't know, you're usually kind of stressed."she murmured.

Fernpaw had remained silent, averting her gaze from Violetpaw.
She was staring at the cats as they entered their dens, bugs as they crawled along the ground, and the clouds as they whisked by the night sky.Aka, everything but Violetpaw.

Was she okay? Had Flyingfeather said something to her? Was she upset? Was she mad at Violetpaw? Mabye because she was awoken so suddenly, and Fernpaw didn't get a chance to say goodbye.

Whatever the reason was, Fernpaw was not going to talk to her.

"I'm going to take a small walk real quick."Violetpaw stood up, sighing.

"Oh, alright.Do be careful, and please, take a warrior with you."Flyingfeather looked worried, rasping the black furred apprentice over the cheek.

"I'll be fine!"Violetpaw protested quickly, but groaned inwardly as she saw Sandyclaw's ears perk up and he started over to her side.

"I'll come! I've been in camp all day and have been meaning to stretch my legs.Night air is extra fresh, too!"
He had only been a warrior for four moons, and Violetpaw could remember clearly when he was an apprentice.
He was a very cheerful and kind cat indeed.Almost too cheerful.

"Come on then."
There was no point in arguing.

Violetpaw led the way out of the camp, stomping through ferns and bushes.
She felt leaves and mushrooms squash under her paws.

Sandyclaw smiled at her, his light amber eyes shining. "How have you been, Violetpaw? Are you excited for your upcoming Warrior ceremony?"

Violetpaw scoffed. "It's not upcoming.At the pace I'm going at for training, I won't be a warrior till I'm 100 moons old."She nearly tripped on a root, and lurched forward before steadying herself.

"I'm sure you won't!"his eyes sparkled as he laid his tail on her back to help balance her. "You're doing very well with training! I've been watching you."
he nodded enthusiastically.


"Well, thanks, I guess."Violetpaw didn't really know how to respond to that.
Sandyclaw was a complicated cat.
You never knew what he was going to say next.

"Let's head back now,"Violetpaw yawned.She loved midnight walks, but only when she was alone.
"I'm feeling tired enough to sleep."

"Alright! You can lean on me if you get too tired and sleepy."Sandyclaw offered in a overly friendly tone, his tail fluffing up.

Violetpaw nodded, but stayed a few inches away from him.
She wasn't a fan of touch, especially with toms.

Yawning again, Violetpaw continued on with drooping eyes.

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