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Soza spent weeks with Huu learning how to bend water and for Soza it was very hard for her to learn. Since Soza was born a firebender, water was the opposite of fire; it made it harder for her to waterbend and it aggravated Soza, she didn't understand why she couldn't get the hand of waterbending when she was able to practically master airbending in such a short time. Huu didn't mind her temper; he understood how frustrating it could be for her to be trying to learn all of the elements.

Soza was glad to have Huu as her teacher, he didn't continue to push her when he knew that she was trying her hardest and pushing her and yelling at her wouldn't help with her learning process. Soza tried with all her might to learn waterbending but she just couldn't get a good flow for it. Everyonce in a while she could get a quiver from the water like it was trying to obey her but she just wasn't strong enough to pull it to her will yet.

Soza enjoyed Huu as her teacher and living with all of the swamp people but she knew that she was going to have to move on soon, the fire nation was surly after her but she also knew that if she left too soon she wasn't going to be able to master waterbending. "Well Soza, why don't we take a break and get washed up for dinner and we will pick it back up in the morning." Soza nodded, agreeing she was exhausted going through all of the forms Huu had taught her, she had been at it all day and Huu could see that she was wearing out quickly.

"Alright Huu but I'm going to get it tomorrow and I know I've been saying this a lot recently but I know one of these days I'm going to get it and when that day comes it is going to be amazing, just you wait and see." Soza had a small smile on her lips and Huu gave her an encouraging one back. "I know you will Soza and I can't wait to be there on that day to see it." Huu gave her a pat on the shoulder as she passed on her way to her tent.

Soza disappeared into her tent and changed out of her muddy training clothes and into something more comfortable and less wet. The night went just about the same as any other night, they would all gather around the fire and have dinner together. Someone would share a story about one of the fishing trips and then they would all retire to their own tents for the night. But this night Soza couldn't sleep, she wasn't sure what she was going to do if she couldn't learn waterbending.

Soza sat up in her bed meditating, it only took a few minutes for her to feel the shift in the air and when she opened her eyes there was a man who was dressed in a heavy blue coat, he had to have been from either the northern water tribe or the southern tribe. Soza gave him a smile as she greeted him. "Hello, it's wonderful to be in your presence." She bowed her head to him, he returned her gesture with his own. "Hello Avatar, what is it that I can help you with?"

"Well I've been working on my waterbending but I just can't even lift water and I know that it's going to be harder for me because water is the opposite of fire but it's been weeks and I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I just need some more direction or something." The man sat there for a few seconds thinking over her words. "I understand young Avatar. I had the same problem when I was learning firebending. It took me months to even create a flame, but you will get it soon, you just have to keep trying."

Once he finished speaking he vanished, Soza sighed and laid back in her bed." That didn't help me with anything." Soza got out of bed and made her way to the edge of the water where Huu would normally help her train. Soza looked out at the water and let out another heavy sigh, she walked out into the water until it reached her knees and just stood there and closed her eyes. The sound of the water was soothing and helped Soza relax a little bit, she let the water lap against her legs, letting it sway her.

Soza stayed in the water for almost an hour before she felt exhaustion take over her, so she made her way back to her tent and got comfortable for the night, as soon as she laid her head on the pillow she was asleep.

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