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When Soza woke up the next morning she felt very energized and she had a good feeling buzzing around in her gut. Knowing it was time for her to move on, Soza started to make herself some breakfast while packing up the unnecessary things around her camp.

It didn't take long for all of her things to be packed up and ready to go. Just as Soza sat down to eat, Lee came skidding to a stop in front of her. "Soza! They're here!" Soza shot up from her spot on the ground dropping her food startled. "Who is here Lee? What's got you so excited that you scared the fire out of me?"

Lee couldn't help but jump around in his spot watching Soza pick up everything she dropped. "They're here Soza, they were seen at the shop with all the bags." Soza raised an eyebrow at Lee. "Great Lee, do you want to give me more information than that? Are you going to tell me what they bought or who they are?" Soza started to put away everything she had left out the night before so once Lee finally told her who they were she could decide if she wanted to meet them or move on and get back to the fire nation.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Guess I got a little excited." Lee gave Soza a sheepish look as she finished packing up the last couple of items into her bag. Soza laughed. "A little excited? I think that was more than a little." Lee ran up to Soza pulling her bag from her hand and putting it back on the ground. "Come on, you just have to come see them for yourself and I'll tell you about it on the way to them." Lee didn't give Soza a chance to even argue as he started pulling her towards town.

For being a small boy Lee was quite strong when he needed to be and he was quick too, Soza was barely keeping up with him as he ran towards town with her in tow. "Alright Lee I'm right behind you are you going to tell me who you're so excited about or am I just going to be surprised when we get there?" Lee looked at Soza with a huge smile on his face.

"I think I'm just going to let you be surprised. It's going to be amazing when you find out who it is." Lee finally let go of Soza's hand as they neared the shop. Lee ran ahead to make sure the group was still there and Soza could see his shoulders relax in disappointment. "They were just here. The way that guy was looking at the bags I thought they were still going to be here." Lee began to look around the street trying to spot whoever it was he was so excited to meet.

"Come on Soza, help me look for them." Lee grabbed Soza's hand again but she was able to resist his pulling on her. "Lee, I don't even know who we are looking for in the first place but I need to get on my way." Soza turned Lee to look at her, and she could see the sad look on his face. "Look Lee I don't want to leave just as much as you don't want me too either, but it's something I have to do. The war isn't going to wait for me."

Lee kept his eyes on the ground not looking at Soza. "As soon as the war is over I promise to come back." Soza pulled Lee into a hug and gave him an extra squeeze before she let him go. Soza turned as began to make her way back to her old camp to grab her things. She was stopped again when Lee ran up to her giving her one more hug before finally letting her go.

"I know you're going to come back but don't forget to bring me souvenirs." Lee smiled at her sadly before running back into town where Soza lost sight of him. Soza turned back towards her camp so she could finally leave thinking about who Lee may have been trying to show her.

Soza assumed that he may have been trying to show her the Earth Rumble fighters. There were a few of them that liked to flaunt around town showing off their earthbending skills and their muscles like that one guy she couldn't really remember the name of, The Pebble maybe?

Soza made it back to her packed up camp and gathered up her bag before picking a direction. She decided that she was going to follow the river, then there would be a food and water source for her to follow that would likely come across another town.

She spent most of the day walking beside the river before finding a nice open area where she could set up a small camp and practice some of her bending, she still wasn't considering herself a master in any of the other three elements yet.

Soza set her bag down before she took an earthbending stance. "Alright Soza, let's try and make us a sturdy shelter." She closed her eyes and concentrated on feeling the earth, thinking of how she wanted her shelter. Deciding on something simple, Soza raised her hands out in front of her. She grunted in effort as she brought three pieces of earth up to form a small tent big enough for her to sleep in. Soza opened her eyes smiling at her work before she made a small area for a camp fire and spot for her to sit.

"Yeah! Getting better and better everyday" Soza was proud of what she had accomplished so far, after finding out she was the second Avatar she didn't think she would be able to achieve everything that she had done so far, She never thought she would ever leave the fire nation but here she was. Soza wondered what her father was doing now, last she knew he was with Zuko looking for the Avatar, the fire sages never really updated her on any of that kind of news.

After camp was set up Soza cooked a small portion of food and relaxed for a little while before continuing her training. Now she was going to work on incorporating all of the elements. She started with the element she had mastered already, thinking back to the training sets she would do with Azula before she started to work some airbending in between strikes. Feeling good about some of the moves she began to work some waterbending into it trying to keep all three elements active at the same time before bringing some earthbending into it.

Soza continued to try and keep her energy calm while she was bending so as to not create angry habits, most of what she was taught by Azula had been emotion fueled and Soza did not want to question the princess in her methods. Her firebending seemed not as strong with the calm energy but her waterbending was stronger, which was odd to Soza as fire was her born element.

Soza didn't seem to mind that her waterbending was more powerful when she was calmer, she felt fire was too destructive when emotions ran high even if she had mastered the element. Soza decided it was time to eat and slowly released the elements that she had moving around and set her training area back to the way it was when she arrived. While making her food, she couldn't help but be curious as to who Lee was so excited about, she wondered if maybe it was some of the fighters in the Earth Rumble competition. Lee had mentioned The Boulder a few times while they were training but his all time favorite was The Blind Bandit.


I'm super sorry with how sucky this chapter came out. I've been trying to get this one out for a few months now and have been super busy with work, and I've been stuck on night shift while trying to balance appointments and trying to spend some time with my family. But I swear it's going to get better, I just have to work something out.

Also what are your thoughts on the live action?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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