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Soza and Lee spend a few weeks with the badger mole learning everything that they could. And it seemed that the badger mole was pleased with their progress. They had been learning more about feeling their surroundings, anytime Soza had made a fire so the two of them could see the badger mole would put the fire out. Soza had stubbed her toes quite a few times before she finally got the hang of sensing her surroundings.

The badger mole seemed to be testing them, every once in a while the creature would change the structure of the tunnel or throw a rock at them. Soza and Lee went through a few mazes that the badger mole had created for them. The one that they were currently trying to navigate through was the hardest so far. The badger mole was shifting things under their feet trying to disorientate them.

Soza having grown up with Azula was quickly becoming irritated, living up to the hot tempered beliefs everyone had of firebenders. Lee found the whole thing lots of fun, he was jumping around and giggling every time Soza grumbled or stubbed her toe.

Soza could feel where the badger mole was hiding, he was distracting their senses making it seem he was somewhere else. The shifting of the earth stopped for a moment, just long enough for Soza to be able to make her move. The badger mole was a level above them and Soza was able to make her own tunnel around him and send a shift in the earth towards him and get the badger mole off balance.

Lee came up quickly behind Soza, sending a small rock at the badger mole who grunted and turned towards them, sending his own rocks in return. Soza was able to pull a wall up letting the rocks hit the wall before she pulled it back down and shifted the earth beneath the badger mole's feet making him stumble.

The badger mole let out a satisfied grunt stopping his advances. Soza lit a small flame in her hand, the badger mole made his way past Soza and Lee down the tunnel. The two followed after wondering where they were going. It only took them a few minutes before the badger mole shifted his paw and Soza and Lee could see where the badger mole had taken them.

All three of them came out of the small cave they had originally met. Soza and Lee walked out to the edge of the cave where they could see the village bustling with people. The badger mole made a sound catching their attention and they both turned to look at the creature.

The badger mole stepped closer to them and gave a small huff to them before bowing to them. Soza gave a bow back before nudging Lee to do the same. It was clear to Soza that the badger mole was showing them respect and telling them that they would no longer be needing his guidance.

The badger mole then straightened and left the way he had come, closing the entrance to the tunnels off. Soza and Lee turned to look at each other.

"Wow Lee, can you believe it?" Soza lunged and gave Lee a big hug in excitement. Lee didn't seem as excited but he returned a small hug. Soza could feel Lee's lack of excitement. "Are you ok Lee?" Soza pulled away from the boy to see his face and motioned for him to follow her back down the mountain.

It didn't take long for them to reach her camp where Soza started to make them a small snack. It was a little after noon and they were so caught up in training that they hadn't had lunch yet. Soza grabbed Lee's water pouch from him while he took a seat on a small rock Soza had pulled up for a seat. The camp was set up close to the river and Soza pulled some water out of the river and into Lee's and her own water pouch before heading back over to Lee.

"Lee, you can talk to me. You know that right?" Lee took a drink from the water pouch and continued to look at the ground. They sat in silence, Soza letting Lee take him time trying to find the words to say to her. " You're leaving" Lee glanced up at Soza who sighed in response.

"Yeah, Lee, I'm going to have to leave soon. I have to go find the first Avatar and we need to end the war. But I know that we are going to see each other again." Lee remained silent moving dirt around with his feet. "I can't take you with me Lee, maybe if you were older and I knew it wasn't going to be as dangerous as it is going to be, then maybe I would let you convince me to let you come. But I don't want to put you in that place. You're my friend Lee, I don't want to see you hurt."

Lee looked ready to cry. 'I know. It's just you're the first person to befriend me. I don't know what I'm going to do without you." Lee lunged towards Soza hugging her tight, Soza let him cry into her shoulder, hugging him just as tight. "I know that you're going to find other friends, Lee. Just be yourself. Plus how cool are you to pretty much be a master earthbender and not have been taught by that arrogant man." They both let out a sad laugh, Lee pulled away from Soza wiping his face.

"Thank you Soza, I am going to miss you. You better come back once everything is over to visit. I'll be waiting for you, and bring me some fire flakes, I've always wanted to try them." Soza laughed and gave Lee one more hug before he headed back home to show his parents what he had learned from the badger mole and from Soza.

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