"My voice?"
"You were silent the entire time, not even moving from that spot. But when you asked for coffee...... "
"I got a little hint."
"I was about to ask before you......"
"I, Hurt. You......"
"I said don't worry about it. Your reaction was valid."
"I just wasn't......."
"Something horrendously vile?"
"No, No! Not that that, it's just that I didn't....."
"Umm, never mind. It's stupid anyway."
"Oh. Ok then."
"Why are you not afraid of me?"
"Like I'm a monster, I'm weird, and I'm certainly not human."
"Why aren't you running from me?"
Please tell me.....
"Would you really like to know?"
"Yes please! Tell me!"
She sighed and stood up. She signed to follow her, and so I did. She went downstairs and told me to go down as well. But, shouldn't her family be awake at this time? It's 8:52? My tech bo said so.
Speaking of my tech, I should probably gear up before I leave. My softshell is giving me more disadvantages right now. And who knows how her family will react, preparation is peak for survival.
I walked back to the room to get my gear back, she still didn't do anything with it. It's just there on the bedside. Makes me really wonder if I should've pinned her down. Now I feel really bad.......
Now that I think of it, I attacked her because she knew my name. I never really caught her name. I would probably ask if it was a better condition.
I walked downstairs with her waiting at the bottom. Seems like I took too much time getting my gear back. Once I'm down, she motioned for me to continue following her.
Surprisingly, her house was really quiet. I don't even hear white noises.
She opened a cabinet of some sorts and pulled out a box. It had a dull red pattern on its center core. She unlocks the box to hand me a brooch. A cloaking brooch?! The one Sunita had?!
"Wait wait wait, why do you have this??"
"Well I-"
"I, umm."

His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Female Reader
RomanceCross published on AO3. Set before the movie, since the book was created before the trailer was released. She/Her pronouns used since that is what I'm comfortable with. Progression gets better since this book has been in progress for two years or...