"How is my little butterfly doing~?" Her voice echoes around, like she was circling me.
To say I was shaken is an understatement. That was my grandmother, from my mother's side. Big Mama's mother. A woman known for her tricks and feints.
It didn't help when everything was dark in my eyes, I couldn't see what was in front or around me. I'm completely vulnerable.
Am I still at home?
Where's Donnie?
Why can't I hear him?
Where am I?
Why can I hear her?
I'm in panic, I can feel my breathing get shorter as I hyperventilate. I'm trying to drown her voice out, but the more I try, the louder it gets.
"Hmm, can you hear me, darling? That vile creature ruined the ritual. Oh heavens, this is gonna take a while."
Her voice signals her distress, but I can still hear that sickening giddy chuckle. I can imagine her giving me a grin, like she would always do whenever she visits.
I know she's a horrible person if even Big Mama despises her. The owner of a brutal gladiator stadium below the city hating their own mother, the things she had done to deserve that hatred, I'd rather not think about it.
I'd rather feign ignorance now, pretend I don't hear her words, 'cause she obviously wanted this, didn't she?
You're a strong girl, don't let her voice set you in fear. Keep ignoring, just wait for Donnie. He was with you, he's definitely gonna protect you. He's my only hope right now...
"Y/N?! Wake up, come on!" Donatello exclaimed as he held onto your figure, hugging you in distress.
He wasn't far when you started drifting away, constantly trying to wake you up. He was afraid you'd go into a coma, and a longer one than before.
His grip tightens as you stay silent, his eyes closing shut as he murmurs begs for you. His heart aches as his mouth quivers, it was partially his fault for your state.
"It's okay, she's strong. S-she'll get through it." Reika stood behind Donatello, a hand on his shoulder. In all honesty, she was trying to convince herself that you'd be okay rather than console Donatello.
She knew you'd fight it, but as the silence expands, she has her doubts. Her worries are eating her inside out and she could tell that Donatello was feeling the same thing. He was scared too, and she can't help but sympathize with him.
Reika has been under curses before, and the results were horrible. It was the reason she left in the first place, but she regretted that. She should've been there for you, but she ran in fear. She was a coward and here you are in pain.
Tears were threatening to leak, but her eyes grew wider as your voice pushed away the silence.
"Donnie? A-are you there?" The sudden sound of shuffling, hinting at Donatello's immediate response.
He held you into a sitting position, his hand on yours as a barrage of questions was aimed at you. His constant repetition of "Are you okay?" shows his worry.
Reika watched from afar, moving back slowly as her heart slowed down. You were okay. She wouldn't know what to do at your funeral if you died. She promised she'd take you exploring to the Dragon's Shrine, an old empty promise on her side if you died early.
She released a shaken breath as she let Donatello do his thing, his metal appendages extending from his battle shell to assist him with helping you.
"She's in good hands." Reika thought to herself, before leaving the room to her own. She'd rather not get a lecture from you about disturbing your moment.
"Do you need refreshments? Are you in pain? Am I holding on to you correctly? Do you need food? Are you in pain-" His mouth was covered by your hand as you pushed his face away.
"I said I'm fine…" You chuckle lightheartedly, although you applaud his worry, it can get annoying.
But you couldn't see the distress fade away from his face at your laughter. It brought him away from his panic and to you fully.
"Are you sure?" He asked one more time, because he knows how he himself can get persistent with covering up his own pain.
"Yes, I am fine. What happened?" You look towards the direction of his voice, your bright face going down to a worry.
"Well, you were already passed out when I returned, and I couldn't wake you up." The words blocked itself on his throat as he breathed in and out.
"I...was scared." He ended his sentence. His eyes, scanning the features on your face for a reaction, fall on your eyes.
They were dull, the color losing its saturation the longer he lingered at them. He wants to cure you as quickly as possible.
"Sorry…" Your words were lighter than a whisper, but the silence of the room made it loud and clear for Donatello. His eyes widen at your guilt.
He pulled you closer to him into another hug, burying your face on his shoulders. You didn't hug back however, a little shocked at his sudden contact.
"It's not your fault." His tone signaled that it was final. It dropped as a command rather than comfort. Because it wasn't your fault.
It never was.

His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Female Reader
RomanceCross published on AO3. Set before the movie, since the book was created before the trailer was released. She/Her pronouns used since that is what I'm comfortable with. Progression gets better since this book has been in progress for two years or...