Cross published on AO3.
Set before the movie, since the book was created before the trailer was released.
She/Her pronouns used since that is what I'm comfortable with. Progression gets better since this book has been in progress for two years or...
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"That's so cool! What's on number one?"
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The actual fuck
Why? Why red?
I want that spot, fkin kick em off the board. That's not even donnie
[No hate to the writer, I'm just wondering why it's on top.]
Anyways, 7k reads, damn ya'll are faster than my ao3 peeps. It's only 4.5k hits over there. Probs because the system is different. But anyways, thanks. I do want to say sorry for slow posting, got sick again. And as a compensating gift, I bestow to you my pending list.
"Music To My Ears" Musician Reader x Donnie. [Online][Romantic][Story]
"Actual Badassery" Badass Reader x 'Bad Boy' Donnie. [Face to face][Romantic][Story] [Being Written]
"Oblivious Oblivion" Oblivious Reader x Leonardo. [Face to face][Romantic][Story]
"Everyone Needs Hugs" Caring Reader & Raphael. [Face to face][Platonic][One-shot]
"The Artist In Me" Rookie Reader x Professional Mikey. [Face to face][Romantic][Story]
"The Sea is My Home" Saltwater Mutant Reader x Freshwater Turtle . [Barriered][Romantic][Story]
"Don't Test My Intelligence" Scientist Reader x Donnie. [Face to face][Romantic][Story] [Pending]
"Self-confidence is Self-love" Depressed Reader & Leonardo. [Online][Platonic][One-shot]
"Welcome To The Other Side" Transforming Reader x Donnie. [Face to face][Romantic][One-shot]
"Back At It Again?" Therapist Reader x Chemical Abuser Donnie. [Face to face][Romantic][Story]
"With You In My Arms" Reader & Overprotective Raphael. [Face to face][Platonic][One-shot]
"Sweet Treats!" Bakery Owner Reader & All. [Face to face][Platonic][One-shot]
"You Want Plus Size How Much!?" Fashion Designer Reader & Raphael. [Online][Platonic][One-shot]
"You Like Botany Too?" Botanist Reader x Donnie. [Face to face][Romantic][Story]
"Midnight Trivia" GameDev Reader x User Donnie. [Online][Romantic][Story]
"We Got All The Time In The World." Sick Reader & Turtle of choice. [Face to face][Platonic][One-shot]
"When Can I See You Again?" Departing Reader x Donnie. [Online][Romantic][One-shot]
"The Best Champion The Underworld Has Ever Seen!" Nexus Champion Reader x Leonardo. [Face to face][Romantic][One-shot]
"1v1, Game On." Top. 1 Player Reader x Top 2. Donnie. [Online][Platonic/Romantic][Story]
"You Obey To Me, And Me Only." Servant Reader x Sensei Leonardo. [Face to face][Smut/Romantic][Story] [Being Written]
"May I Take This Dance?" Reader x Donnie. [Face to face][Romantic][One-shot]
"Are We Really Gonna Study?" Reader x Tutor Donnie. [Face to Face][Platonic/Romantic][Story]
"Your Work Would Never Compare To Mine." Engineer Reader x Donatello. [Face to face][Romantic][Story]
"Race You To It!" Racer Reader & Leonardo. [Face to face][Platonic][One-shot]
"Let's Play A Little Game~" Villain Reader x Donatello. [Face to face][Romantic][Story]
"Let Me Teach You How It Goes~" Reader x Donnie [Face to face][Smut][One-shot]
"Heart of Android" Mecha Reader x Donatello [Face to face][Romantic][Story]
"There's No Turning Back." Krangified Reader x Krangified Rapahel. [Face to face][Idk][One-shot]
"Play Human." Reader x Donnie [Face to face][Romantic][Story]
"Wild Animals." Reader & April [Face to face][Platonic][Story]
"Little Siblings." Reader & Mikey [Face to face][Platonic][Story]
"I Need Backup." Agent Reader x Agent Donnie [Face to face][Romantic][Story]
"Take It Easy, But Take It." Reader & Leanardo [Online][Platonic][Story]
"Welding It Together." Engineer Reader x Donnie [Face to face][Romantic][Story]
Angst Section
"Hold On, Please." Reader & Raphael [Face to face][Platonic][One-shot]
"You're Not Supposed To Protect Me....." Reader & Leonardo [Face to face][Platonic][One-shot]
"Don't Let It Take Control." Reader & Donatello [Face to face][Platonic][One-shot]
"Don't Leave Me Please....." Reader & Michelangelo [Face to face][Platonic][One-shot]
"I'm Not Gonna Lose You Again." Reader & Casey Jones [Face to face][Platonic][One-shot]
Just some filler content for ya'll. Thanks for the love, as always stay tuned.
Anyways, please comment hat you want me to do. All of these re up for pending. There are three more pending slots left. And it won't vacant till I finish a previous book. So pick your favorite!