How Do You Know My Name!?

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What was that? 

I heard a soft thud coming from behind me. 

The person(?) who was standing in the corner before had fallen asleep. He was in a very uncomfortable position. And I couldn't help but feel bad for him. 

I woke up somewhere at four because I heard someone. To my surprise, there was a weird creature standing in the corner of my room. 

It looked very afraid, but it had its eyes glowing softly. It kinda gave away his position. It was menacing to be honest. 

I didn't want it to attack me with primal reflexes so I acted like I didn't see it. If you don't see it, it can't see you. 

It stood there for past an hour, and his glow progressively faded away. The longer it stood there, the more drowsy it is. 

It seemed to jump a little bit when I asked it the question. It just stayed there looking at me. I didn't really expect a reply, but any motion to indicate it's listening would be nice. 

I didn't know what else to say, so I left it to its own doing. Just a few seconds later, he had fallen asleep. Maybe he was just really tired. 

The sun is almost out and here it is sleeping. Perhaps it's nocturnal? Poor thing… At such an odd place..... 

I stood up from my desk and went to check up on it. If it really is nocturnal, it would be asleep for a long time. An eight hour rest is recommended for a human, but is it human? 

I crouched to reach a closer level to it, and it seems like it has a purple shell? Wait no, it's some type of metal shield? It was curved and bulky, it didn't look comfortable sleeping with it on its back. 

It covered its face with a purple bandana, with some type of goggles on its head. With red and blue lenses. One goggle was longer than the other, was it a design choice or did it have purpose? 

It kept shaking every few seconds, is it not used to this type of temperature? 

I held its skin and it was very rough. And judging by that, it could be a reptilian. Reptilians are cold-blooded creatures, so they can't regulate too much coldness. 

It's close to fall, so the winds are quite chilly itself. In addition to the AC in my room, he's freezing. 

I don't know why, but I really want to help it. Maybe it's because of my weird nature to help out animals. Technically, this creature is an animal, right? 

Nonetheless, it's still rude to leave it in such conditions. 

And so I tried to pick it up to my bed. It was a little heavy, but I managed. All those years of doing heavy house chores actually did something to me. I've gotten a little muscle! 

It took a lot of pain to actually get him(? It?) on my bed. It seems to be struggling, maybe the metal shield hurts? 

I wanted it to feel comfy, so I gotta find a way to get it from him. That metal can't be part of him, can it? 

I tried fiddling with the buttons it had on it's back, and it started shooting out so many random shit! A chainsaw?! For what!? 

It almost burned my room with its flamethrower, but I managed to somehow keep it all together. 

Thankfully, it could be deactivated easily by pressing the button again, but still. Who would have such equipment? 

Either they have an intelligent owner, or they are intelligent themselves. 

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