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Months had passed since that fateful day. The two of them are now often on their phones, taking their time to chat with each other when they could meet. Donatello finds it very helpful, because he would like to keep this a secret. He's on his phone very often, it wouldn't be a surprise if he uses it every day. It was odd for Y/N on the other hand. Although she loves using her phone, the purpose would never be so vague. April had even confronted her about it but her reaction was subtle. She had found an online friend that she enjoys talking to. Donatello had made her swear not to tell April, and she just had to keep the promise. It's not that April was evil, she'll just start spilling to the others about things and maybe rumors that were never true. Ok, maybe she's a little evil. 

They grew closer through their phones, and soon it wasn't just text chats. Recently, Y/N had invited Donatello for voice calls. It took some time in order to convince Donatello to do so, but he surrendered in defeat shortly after. And that is how they communicate. It's been 3 months since the last text they had sent, and the calls had only ignited their friendship. Y/N had stopped pestering April about meeting 'the one' which had caught April in threads of confusion. Donnie had seemed to be more lighthearted towards his brother, his coffee seems to have changed as well. From his concentrated full city roast to a decaf cold brew. He had become more considerate towards his brothers, which everyone found out of character. Leo was the first to try and pry Donnie, but was only returned with "You find me being nice to you weird? Would you like to be a volunteer for my next experiment then?" to which Leo replied with a no. 

Leo convinced Mikey to try to at least get something out of Donatello. But he was only greeted with head pats and a 'Careful, the lab is dangerous.' Mikey was even allowed to roam the lab for everything had been baby-proofed. And that kinda made Mikey feel angry. 'I'm not a baby!' he said, and Donatello replied with 'You're my baby brother.'

It was Raph's turn to try and it resulted in a long lecture on how Donnie has changed. Donnie doesn't seem to be budging because he just said sorry immediately without hesitation. Which shocked Raph as Donnie had never apologized so easily. 

The brothers were dumbfounded and they couldn't think of anything else to say, so they resorted to calling the one and only. 

"Hey Dee, what's up?"

"Oh hello April! What brings you here today? I thought you were supposed to be at school, hunting news stories."

"I've already done that actually. Anyways, the others told me you've been acting weird lately."

"How so?"

"Idk, you tell me. You sound fine to me."

"Perhaps they haven't met their criteria for proteins, it is crucial for the mind to function correctly."

"Alright big brain. Anyways, how is it going with her? You know, the girl you talked to me about?"

"It's fine, we've gotten closer. Anyway, here."

Donatello handed April a present box. April was bamboozled, Donnie likes giving gifts but they were never really necessarily nice. Maybe it's some type of tracker or recorder to keep track of her. That was a no go for April, but she decided to open it first anyway. 

"A camera?"

"Uh huh, I noticed that you had been using your phone lately to take pictures, so I made this. It's a HDR camera equipped with a zoom lens for great pictures! And it also has a recording feature, which most cameras don't have. Its motherboard makes for great battery life and I gave it a high tech storage disc."

"Why is it green and yellow?"

"That's your signature color, no? 

"I thought you make everything in purple-pink."

"That would be selfish of me if it was a gift to you. Don't worry, it wasn't rigged with anything. I've taken that habit away."

"Huh?! Ok something is definitely wrong with you, Dee."

"What's wrong with me giving gifts?"

"What's wrong is that I really like it! And you've never made me something so nice!"

"Wait, I haven't? I should get to that soon."

"You're not giving anything to your brothers?"

"I had plans actually. Just trying to make it more comfy for them. They're very different individuals, so each of them gotta fit their likings."

"That's nice, Dee. Anyways, gotta bounce. See ya later."

"See ya April, if there are any bugs with the camera, do tell."

April came out of that room shocked. Donnie is making gifts for his brothers?! She even double checked the camera box, it had instructions, tips, and feature uses. It was the full thing! And there were no narcissistic remarks on any of the instructions. She looked back behind her to see Donnie building something in red! He was genuine when he said he was making things for his brothers! 

April had ran back to the common room and told the others about it, they were shocked too! Donatello was making them genuine gifts?! Has the world come to an end!?

"I don't know anymore. He didn't even talk bad about you guys when I mentioned it."

April showed them the camera box, a gift that she had just received from Donnie. 

"Wait, it's in your color!" Mikey exclaimed. He fiddled with the camera to see that it had no traps whatsoever. 

"The instructions are using normal words!" Leo shouted, holding the piece of paper above his face. He re-read the page so many times, he could've memorized it. 

"Donnie was making a gift for me?!" Raph shook April, demanding answers. April hit his head and explained how it looked like some type of shell armor? 

"Why would I need that? My shell isn't soft." That question made them all ponder, so they decided to try and take a peek in Donnie's room. 

They witnessed Donnie tinkering on the floor rather than his usual desk. He had a ring light where he had placed a camera. He also had some type of microphone wired to his ear. He was happily chatting with whoever was on the other line. 

"I figured it should be soft on the inside, don't you think so?"

"Great, I have to commend you for that idea, I'm sure Raph would love this."

"He's barely had any rest with those spikes on his back."

"That is true, it is his species after all."

"Ooh, amazing idea. That'll be for Leonardo."

He was chatting with someone, and the brothers could only hear Donnie's side of the conversation. But they noticed that Donnie was genuinely happy. He's always trying to keep his 'bad boy image', but now he has let it go. He was happy, and that made his brother happy. Although it was a weird change, knowing their brother for their entire life. But now it had made them curious on who ever was on the other side of the call. 

"Oh yeah! Donnie had met a girl" April murmured, trying to make sure Donnia can't hear her. 

"A girl?! How di-" Raph had covered Leo's mouth before he could even take a breath. They looked back at Donnie to see that he hadn't heard them.

"Leo, be quiet. We're trying to be stealthy here." Raph has released Leo from his grip, and Leo nodded to his brother's word. 

"I suspect that he is talking to her now. It's the only logical explanation." April suggested, and the brothers nodded. They have a lot of digging to do. 

His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now