"Hey buddy, you okay?" Those words sounded muffled, but it slowly cleared out. Everything was dark and warm, a little cold at the same time. Just then I noticed I had my eyes closed, so I tried to open them. It was a little difficult, they felt heavy but I managed. I opened my eyes to see my sister side-ways? Oh wait, I'm laying down. I sat upright, and I felt a small twirl in my head. It was like I had woken up from a 25 year nap, and it did not feel good.
"Thank goodness you're okay. Was worried there for a sec." I looked to wards my sister as she placed the top of her hand against my neck. She does it to check temperature, something about that area of the hand is more sensitive due to less exposure to heat and tension or something. She pulled her hand away and held out a spoon containing some type of goo. It looks nasty, so in reaction, I blurted out a raspberry. Reika did not like that.
"Dude, it's syrup for your sore throat. Just drink it, you'll feel better." She didn't even warn me, she just blatantly shoved it in my mouth. I genuinely thought it was gonna be bitter, but it tasted like honey. A little bit. It tasted more like ginger, I don't like ginger. So I blurted another raspberry.
"Don't act like that, you feel better don't you? That rain really did a number on your body. You were asleep for a long time, dibble." Reika said, putting away the spoon and grabbing a towel to rub my face. I've been sweating in my sleep, ewww. The towel was dirty when she took it away. How long was I asleep?
"You know my name, why do you still call me Dibble?" I know she knows my name, she's said it before. She keeps calling me Dibble Dabble every chance she gets. Not that I'm mad, it's just weird sometimes. How would she feel if I called her Babble Bubble. You know, cuz she talks a lot.
"Oh come on, like I'll tell you. Adds more to the fun now, doesn't it? Anyways, your phone rang a few times when you were asleep." Reika opened the drawer and pulled out my phone. Fuck, it could be Donatello. I don't want to talk to him at the moment till he fixes up the family thing. Or at least till I can find that he is not pushing his family away for me. I don't want us to break just for him to have nobody else.
I think my sister saw through, because she decided to open the phone herself. "The message was from someone by the name of April O'Neil, a friend of yours? She's wondering if you could join her." "Join her to do what?" "You want me to read it for you?"
Without an answer, she typed in my password. But it buzzed and showed an error. "Dude, what's your pass?"
Ah fuck, I changed it. It used to be our birthday mixed together. But now it's Bootyyyshaker9000, fuuuuckkkkkk. I wanna kill myself right now. "Y'know what, let me type it in."
"You're sick, just let me do it."
"Your remedy made me better, I can do it myself."
"Just tell me your password, dude. No harm done really."
"Well, uh. It's umm- It's kinda umm."
"It's Bootyyyshaker9000. Capital 'b' and three y's in the booty."
"That's a weird thing to change it to. What's wrong with our mixed B'day? Does this password have some type of meaning and definition?"
"No, I just felt like it. Don't worry about it. What did she say anyway?"
"Ok, give me a second."
"She's asking if you want to join her and go shopping with her other girlfriends? She poly?"
"Oh nah, she just calls them that way."
"Ah I see."
The convo died down, but she was still doing something. She started typing on my phone, and I know she's up to no good. So I tried to swipe the phone from her, but she retaliated and held me back with her left arm while she tapped with her right arm. "Give it back, what are you even doing?!" She didn't say anything back and she just kept typing. Eventually I gave up, because I know that she's probably already ruined my life by either finding out about Donnie's contact or saying something weird to April. Either way would just make my life worse and she is definitely the type to do stuff like that.
"Here." She says as she passes me back my phone. I scrolled through my chats to try and see what she did. She texted April asking her, 'Hey, can my sister join? She just came back from abroad and wanted to join us.' My bitch ass sister was so lonely she wanted to come, sheesh. I guess I can't blame her. She left with no friends and came back with none. She'd be doing nothing if she was left here to sulk about it.
My phone buzzed in reply to my thoughts. I checked the screen to see that April replied to the text that Reika asked. So I decided to continue the chat.
WitheredHope: Hey, April. Mind if my sister joins as well?
A_O'neil: Oh sure!! Didn't know you had a sister. 🤔
WitheredHope: Oh yeah, she was abroad. I don't think I've ever mentioned her, huh? (。ŏ_ŏ)
A_O'neil: I don't think you did. Not like I talk about my fam that often. 😬😬😬
WitheredHope: Yea. Where are we meeting up anyways? :0
A_O'neil: What about the mall? The one near Time Square? I'll send you the coordinates. 😋
WitheredHope: Sure sure, see you there! ≧∇≦
"Dude, pick something nice to wear. We're going shopping." Reika's eyes lit up the moment I said that. So she helped me pick some outfits. She decided to go for something casual, like a hoodie and jeans. I decided to wear my favorite casual outfit as well. Since this isn't some fancy event. The mall was at Times Square, aka the topside. So we had to ask mom for a portal or key upwards.
"Ah shit, forgot about the portal. How are we supposed to go now?" I scratch my head, I really didn't think this through. I felt pats on my shoulder, so I looked to my sister who had a proud grin on her face. "I got this, I didn't spend four years abroad to forget my magic." Following her words were her hands. They swirled in a spiral like motion, forming some sort of pink coloured vortex. With the snap of her fingers, the vortex combusted into a portal. She stepped inside first, and I followed suit to see that we arrived at Times Square.
"You knew how to do that?!" I shouted, I mean, who wouldn't be surprised? She just giggles in pride as she tells me about all the lessons she took from abroad. Apparently, there are also hiding yokais from where she studied. They aren't only hiding in New York. I'll take note of that. She then bows to me to lead the way, mentioning that she hasn't been in Times Square before. So I took the lead, and to the mall we went.
It took a small wait in the lobby to find who we were looking for, but I can recognize those hair buns anywhere. After all, she wears it the best. April was not alone though, she had six other people with her. Two girls and four boys. An odd bunch I'll have to say.
"Oh hey Y/N! Glad you could make it." April came to hug me, and to say I was suffocating was an understatement. "Y-yea. Let go please, April." She released me, spouting out apologies which I gladly accepted. I turned to look at her group and noticed I only recognized one person. Which was Sunita, our classmate. Others, not so much.
"I didn't know you had that many friends." I pointed it out, I continued on asking their names and etcetera. And April introduces them as her family and Cassandra. She had four brothers, and I only had one. Oh yeah, I had to introduce her.
"This is Reika, my older sister. She was abroad, that I mentioned." And Reika greeted herself with a small wave towards them. "What about your brothers? Their names?" For some reason, April started sweating a bunch. Her words stuttered, along with her brothers doing frantic motions as well. Then one in particular moved forward.
"My name is GD, this one is Neon, this one is Big Red, and the youngest is Tangerine. You got that?" And that was all he said to me.

His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Female Reader
Storie d'amoreCross published on AO3. Set before the movie, since the book was created before the trailer was released. She/Her pronouns used since that is what I'm comfortable with. Progression gets better since this book has been in progress for two years or...