Gigantic Red was not enough to hold the spider back, he needed backup. Neon and Tangerine even assisted, but they couldn't do much for long. Shattered glass shards were littered on the ground, nearly harming the rest of the team.
GD was holding onto Y/N, protecting her as her sister tried to open a portal out of here. Why didn't Neon do it with his odachi? Because it was blocked by dark magic. Reika was the descendent of this atrocious being, making it far easier to access that monster's magic barrier. Hence why she opened the portal the first time.
But she was slower than Neon, risking the lives of everyone if she was far behind. GD did a health check on his 'friend', making sure her pulse is still there. Thankfully, it was still there, but the pulse was almost nothing. They need to hurry. There is no time to waste.
Debris bounced back and forth against the battlefield, pushing back the fighters defending the others. The force field engulfing Red has dispersed, leaving them all at an advantage. The fight has gone for long enough, they need to go.
"Hold on a little longer, it's almost done!" Reika exclaimed to everyone. The fighters, including April, circled around the three weaker ones. Just a little longer.
"Reika dear, is that you?" The loud words coming from the spider shook the room. Everyone stood their ground, but it seemed like the spider had stopped moving. It gave Reika the chance to finally open the portal, and everyone rushed in. They exited the dreaded room back to an empty park.
Reika stood up and rushed to her sleeping sister, checking her temperature and pulse before sighing. She took her little sister into her hands, carrying her in a protective nature.
"Hey, is there anything we can do to help?" April questioned, approaching her resting friend. She's very worried for her, she's her friend after all. Reika sighed and smiled, she can't really turn down someone's help. She led the group back to their home, down in the Hidden City. She couldn't make any more portals because she was already drained trying to pass through the barrier, so Neon gladly did it for her.
Reika was confused that Neon knew where her house was, because she never did tell him the location. April chuckles and stylized that Y/N had already told them before. Reika couldn't really argue since she just came home a few days ago. And yet things are already falling apart, should she just stay away?
"Honey, you're ba-ck.........." The voice of their beloved father falters as he watches his eldest come home with his youngest bruised in her hands. He shouted, calling after his wife. Her expression was similar, she rushed towards the youngest and carried her. Casting a healing spell on both of her kids, before noticing that there were others.
The common room was transformed into an infirmary, housing the hurt children. Different types of herbs and medication littered the ground. The mother was leading in the healing process and the father leading as the nurse. The turtles had to remove their cloaking brooches, switching back forms. Because it'll be difficult to explain that April has eight brothers, and it cuts introduction time. Reika was shocked to be honest, but not surprised.
She was indeed aggravated to know that the purple one was the reason that her little sister came home from a rainy night alone and sick. Donatello tried to explain what happened, but he couldn't help but make himself look like the villain. So he kept quiet.
"Wait, that was the girl you went on a date with?!" Leonardo gasped in shock, he honestly was joking when he said that she was the one. He didn't actually expect for Donatello to pull a bitch. Raph and Mikey were joyous, but mad at the fact that he didn't escort the girl home.
"That is no way to treat a lady." Raph goes, "Yea, what he said." Mikey added, they went on and on teaching Donatello how to read cues and feelings of a person. Because he surely does not understand.
"Oh please, just be quiet." Donatello pushed them away, he's worried about someone else at the moment. "Is she okay Miss L/N?" He asked, his expression actually showing some worry rather than his good ol' monotony. The woman smiled at him, but it faltered as quickly as it came. This just added more to his worries.
"She's alright, but I feel a heavy presence. Reika dear, what happened to her?" She turns to her daughter, who was helping tend the wounds of her new friends. "It was Drusilla, she kidnapped Dibble when we were at the mall." The girl answered, the mother's face shifted with emotion. It showed anger, sadness, but also disgust. How would it feel to have your daughter abused by your mother? Horrible, that's what.
Everyone looked back and forth from each other, looking at the expressions of everyone to try and read the room. The father was greatly worried, comforting his wife with soft whispers. It was clear that the eldest sister was irritated, to the point where her wrists were going pale. Meanwhile, all the rest were trying to recover. They weren't hurt badly in any way, they've dealt with fights like this multiple times. It was just tiring, very tiring.
There were questions, questions on who this Drusilla actually is. But wouldn't that be rude? Talking about the person who almost murdered someone close to them, who almost killed them as well in the fight, along with a pair of mourning parents. That does not sound like a good environment to be talking about said person.
The room grows silent, with the tension growing even thicker. Not everyone understood who Drusilla was, but they knew that she was not a good person. Questions grew from the turtles and their sister, but no one was brave enough to catch the room's attention. So they stood silent, hoping that the universe might help them just this once. That was until ruffles of sheets could be heard.
They all looked towards the makeshift bed, there rests Y/N. Her eyes open, and she turns her head left and right over and over again. The mother came to her daughter first, "Honey, it's me Mommy. Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Are you hungry? Maybe thirsty?" The mother rambled, asking questions about comfortably, needs, and anything that the girl might need. But she just looked blankly towards the wall, unresponding.
The mother was greatly worried, she doubted herself. Was her healing magic not enough, did she harm her more than help her, what type of mother is she to let her daughter get harmed? She was on the verge of crying, but she stood strong. For her and her daughter.
"Y/N dear, are you alright? Your mother asked you some questions." The father stated, looking down on his resting daughter. Once again, she was unresponsive. She tried lifting her hand, but she wasn't strong enough. It dropped down, but it was caught by her sister, who was sitting right beside her. The sister tried as well, to try and talk to her. "Hey buddy, you there? Say something at least, it's rude to ignore us." Her voice cracks with each addition of words, water slowly leaking from her eyes.
"Hey girl, come on. Can't you hear us?" April added, at this point everyone is saying something. Just anything. To find a reply, a reply that indicates that she's still alive. That she's still the Y/N they all knew. "Hey Donnie's girl, you're making your man worry." Leonardo commented, earning a glare from Donatello. He wasn't joking about the fact that Donnie's worried. But if they weren't dating, she would reply and say no. But she didn't, nor did she bat an eye.
"Y/N, please. Say something." The purple one finally adds, his voice sounds demanding and monotone, similar to his normal voice. But his face says otherwise. The laying girl struggled, trying to set herself into a sitting position. With the help of her sister, she managed. A small voice left her mouth,
"Donnie? Is that you?"

His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Female Reader
RomanceCross published on AO3. Set before the movie, since the book was created before the trailer was released. She/Her pronouns used since that is what I'm comfortable with. Progression gets better since this book has been in progress for two years or...