Turtle Fam Bonding™

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"Donnie, where the hell are you?!"

"Patience Nardo, I'm on my way to the designated location." This mission was so abrupt. While my time was occupied in attending to [Y/N], I received a named call from my presumed twin brother, Leonardo. Ugh, I already hate how it sounds in my head. 

He notified me about a quote on quote  urgent situation, which I don't truly have confidence in, about a grave danger that our dear beloved sister is enduring. 

And of course, since it's April, I made my way back but not before ensuring the safety of [Y/N] to her parents. They were hasty to place, giving me time to reach my brothers. 

Leonardo insisted that I take the run, since his hands were "busy at the moment" which I think simply means "I want you to suffer.". It doesn't take much time off his hands to just conjure said magical gateway, but I fairly have doubts on his behalf. 

Although he has gotten a hold of those mystic weapons for years, he is just faulty, relying on magical abilities to take his burdens down. I suppose this gives me time to simply admire my own tech of how reliable they were, being far more useful than what my brothers have chosen. But I suppose it will be much more complicated teaching them how to properly and specifically use my tech. 

As I soar the sky with my jetpack, I catch a small glimpse of the signature colors my brothers possess. I managed a quick but graceful landing, approaching my brothers. As expected, they were not in danger, instead they were chattering in a circle. 

"O.M.G, FINALLY!" Leonardo dramatically exaggerated pointing his hand out to my direction, causing the others to look towards me. 

"This better be prominently useful, or so help me Leo you are gon-"

"Sh sh sh sh sh… Don't worry about it Dee, it's my turn to talk." He held his finger over my mouth to shush, forcing me to jerk my head backwards in reaction. 

"So! We noticed that you have been reeaally busy, and we thought we could bring you out to have some fun~  Come on! Like we always do." He let his odachi rest on his shoulder as he continued to voice his thoughts. I simply kept my unamused face. 

"Pardon me, but did you really pull me out from assisting [Y/N] as her translator to bring me out to play?" They all start scratching their heads and nodding. I sigh in response, slowly turning away from them. 

"This is fairly unnecessary and a waste of my time! I'd like to head back to the [L/N] household to continue helping my—"


"Scoff! No! She's not my girlfriend…" I turned back to my brothers, seeing their giddy reaction to mine. They were giggling and laughing so harshly that I was very tempted to silence them completely. 

Although I'd like for her to be my partner, I'm still not too sure about her considerate opinion. A relationship goes both ways, meaning that it cannot just be my opinion. Now is also not the right time, considering we're still racing against the sand in the hourglass to get the ritual started. And these bozos have not been helping whatsoever. 

"Look at his reaction, hahha!" Nardo disorienting voice rang through the space, reaching my ears in the most volatile way possible. "You really do like her, huh?" The eldest proceeded to continue, causing me to stare back up at him. 

"Of course! Who wouldn't really? She's so unpredictable, in a nice way, and so kind at the wrong of times. Her brutal affection is stirring me up in a way I can't possibly explain to you numbskulls…" I tried to sound sarcastic but it seems to me that it reached my brethens' ears as genuine. 

His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now