"No no no, that's not how it goes honey-poo. Move your hands more fluently." Big mama instructed, imitating the motion with her hands. She's teaching Y/N at the moment, Donatello following as well just because he's already here. But he's not exactly a magic person, so he often makes mistakes. Usually, the flaws would originate from his zero motivation or his posture. Y/N notices and tries to help. She walked up behind Donatello and held his hands. "Move your hands like this." She whispers as she guides his hands along her with hers. Donatello managed to do said spell, but he was dying inside.
‘She’s holding my hands!!’ ‘I’m holding his hands!!’ They both thought respectively. They both tried their best to think of it as a platonic action, just like how friends are supposed to be. But deep down, they hoped it wasn’t. When they both think of their feelings as mutual friends, it will be right? That’s how feeling works, isn't it?
"No no no, purple-y turt. That's not how you do it. Here, let me show you." Big Mama exclaimed as she walked towards the terrapin. She held his hands, shoving Y/N's and showed him how it's done. 'That's the exact same way, Y/N showed me.' Donatello thought to himself, irritated with the woman's approach. "Do you get it no, turtle deary?" The turtle just nodded his head, not trying to stir up fights. The woman cheered, and insisted that they should continue to the next spell. The day goes on the same way, Y/N would try to teach and Big Mama would interrupt. Donatello would really just prefer Y/N to teach him, but Y/N's still learning. She's learning with him, so he can't expect her to know everything before Big Mama explains it to her. 'This is kinda the worst day of my life' Donatello thought, it was supposed to be him and Y/N, just like Draxum said. He did not say anything about Big Mama, nor about the practice. He just hoped the lesson wouldn't end too late, he would still like to spend time with his friend in private. He had thought of a few things to do, maybe they can explore the commercial row nearby, or grab a meal at Hueso's. He had a lot of time to think about these things, mostly because he is the thinker after all. Just hypotheses and theories everytime, until recently. Ever since he's met you, his efficiency has dropped down by around 28%. That may not seem like much, but if he can finish a turtle tank in under a day, that will slow him down by a lot. He had to change his habits for you too, he is still drinking the less caffeinated cold brew, he sleeps at least 5 hours now. He also spends time making gifts for his brothers and sister, instead of just for himself. Nevermind that, his efficiency has dropped by 64%. He's getting slower, and he doesn't know if it's beneficial or world-ending. He can't tell if you're an obstacle or a shortcut. And it fizzles his brain too many times.
"Ooh, alright darlings. That'll be the lesson for today, Aunties got a meeting." The spider lady says, walking up to her niece, she gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Stay safe, sugary-boo." Big Mama proceeds to walk towards the elevator, telling the bellboy to escort the two teenagers out of the building. The two exited the entrance to the Battle Nexus Hotel, walking in the sidewalks. It was dark, but it has always been dark. You don't exactly get sunlight underground, but everyone seems to manage. They were both just walking in silence, none of them knew what to say. Nor what to do, it's just the tension.
"So, uh. What shall we consider doing this particular evening?" 'Why did I ask that? I know what to do' Donatello crushes himself for saying that, but the silence was unbearing for him. He wanted to talk to her, so he took initiative and started first.
"I'm not sure, haven't been around these parts. Didn't really explore much after that day." Y/N answered, she was not lying. She stayed at home then, losing her motivation to even go outside. Although the Hidden City is amazing, she's still not used to the sudden change. But today was different, she felt far better with company. And he was too.
"Well, I know a few places. Would you like to join me in the expedition?" Donatello stopped walking, and laid his hand out. He commends himself for being able to transition the convo to exploration. He knows Y/N loves exploring, this might cheer her up. The girl just smiled at him, and took his hand. The fire burning Donatello's skin was 6x hotter than the Sun. Curse hormonal reactions.
"You okay? Was the training that hard?" Y/N asked, hand still holding his. Donatello couldn't muster up the words to say, as he was just too flustered to think. "Maybe you're sick, we should go back to my place. I have some medicine in my room." The girl leads him, pulling his hand with her as she walks back home. Donatello wanted to say that he was okay, but looking at her is simply too much for him to handle at the moment. He just looks away and follows.
It took a few turns and corners to get back home, but the aura felt different. Donatello felt some type of aching in his chest, but he shrugs it off as just the feelings. Oh but boy was he wrong. Y/N opens the door and drags Donatello upstairs, still holding his hand. But they had to pass the common room, where the families were gathered around. The shock on Donatello's face as he saw his family watch him getting dragged by a girl upstairs. That looks so suspicious, if you ask me. He ran up the stairs, now pulling Y/N to her room as fast as he could. The sheer embarrassment is creeping up his face, ah fuck. Now he's never gonna hear the end of it.
"What's wrong?" Y/N ask, actually concerned now. She was too busy being worried that she didn't see her family with his family. She hurried and looked for her medkit, scared that Donatello might have a far worse condition than she thought. Donatello just sat on her bed, face in his hands as he contemplated the last moments of his pride. Y/N is trying her best to help him, but he isn't sick. Just in the heart.
"Did you guys see that?! Donnie was with a girl!!" Leonardo shouted, that was the only topic being discussed in the living room at the moment. Mr. L/N was chatting with Splinter on how the purple one behaves, a father's gotta look after his daughter after all. Mrs. L/N was eccentric about Y/N knowing another one of Draxum's boys, Draxum was proud as well to see them get along. Mikey was jumping around because he thought that Donnie would be lonely forever. Raph was just happy for his little brother, listening to the chatters and bickers from Leonardo crying. Blue wanted to be the first to get a partner, but behold, it was the introverted selfish brother of his. Oh, was he devastated. Donatello asked Y/N if he could just stay at her room, he doesn't wanna face his brothers in front of her. Oh, he would lose his image so quickly. And she complied, thinking that he's too sick to move. She stayed by his side to make sure he's okay and it's not really helping Donatello. He continues to burn up every time she gets too touchy or clingy. Curse his weak heart.

His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Female Reader
RomanceCross published on AO3. Set before the movie, since the book was created before the trailer was released. She/Her pronouns used since that is what I'm comfortable with. Progression gets better since this book has been in progress for two years or...