Rankings and info

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THE WORDING OF THIS INFORMATION IS HIGHLY INSPIRED BY: LittleKatCake22, the writer of 'Delicious Desire'

Alphas are the wisest, strongest, and highest ranking members of the pack as they hold absolute power over their pack.

Alphas are responsible for leading the pack on hunts, establishing pack territory and the safety of accepting strangers into the pack or driving wolves out the pack, alphas are resposible for keeping the pack in order and will take many precautions to see that the pack is not disturbed or harmed in any way.

Each pack member is considerd family, but of course, respect is still needed. The alpha couple is always the first to feed of the fresh prey, they get bigger portions, and choicests cuts of food.

They tell the pack what to do, where to go, and how to work without questions from their members. keeping everything on a strict basis is their way of showing their care and concern for their pack, young and old.

The alpha wolves can also choose their most trusted companions to become their betas. they demand respect and are in position to punish or banish those who do not show it. an alphas command can not be disobeyed without consequences.

They may choose a Beta from any line of ranks in their pack, although it is usually a Hunter, Evolved Wolf or a Warrior.

When a pack member is ill, the alpha will provide it physical and mental protection until they are fully healed. they will provide the ill member more food to heal up faster and to show them care.


The alpha children, adopted or blood related, will be known as 'royalty' once their inner wolves have had their cycle of aging, they must decide to take the oath of royalty.

If not, they have full choice of their future rank, alphas may become hunters or warriors, and any other rank that has accepted royalty can be seen as an alpha.

Royalty members can order their pack mates around without question, even if they aren't alphas.


The Beta rank is the highest-ranking in the pack just below the Alphas. the beta is in other words the second in command of the wolf pack and beyond this most significant point, the beta is otherwise similar to wolves in the high rank.

When the alphas are absent, wich for reason can be surveying areas, choosing new territory, editing sites, etc, it is the betas job to make sure the pack is organized and under control.

Any problems that occur in the pack, the betas report to the alphas and allow the alphas to take control. when the alphas are indeed away for a while, these wolves are next in authority and demand the same respect and control from their packmates.

A pack may have up to multiple betas per Alpha or Royalty member.

A delta is know as third in command, they are below the alphas and betas but are higher up in the rankings than other wolves. Deltas usually take control of the spars and training when the betas or alphas are too busy to do so themselves.

Lead warrior:

the lead warrior get their order directly from the alphas or betas. they are the main leader, general or captain of the warriors in the pack.

warrior wolves protect the pack with their life, they will never back down from a fight against something that is threathening or disturbing the pack.

they also go on border patrols to make sure there arent any threats nearby, they usually bring new wolves to the alphas and if the alphas are away the betas.

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