{Chapter 7}

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Lunch was annoying, but he was out of the cafeteria now, what matters now is the tests.

History was up, and unfortunately Ms.Jackson had assigned seating places.

First row had all of them, at the first table was Sol, then Katherine, then Annabeth, then Elian, then Tracer, then Farren, then Blade, then him and lastly Kaito.

Poor Trace.

Ironic how two of the most respected and dangerous royal families are sat all together at the front row.

"right, I will be handing out your tests, once you've finished you may leave and prepare for next class or study." Ms.Jackson said.

She started handing out papers and students quickly started on the fifty questions.

The questions were hard, but Kai had payed attention and gone over his notes during lunch.

He was done in an hour, having half an hour left. He grabbed his notes for Supernatural Species and skimmed through them.

He already knew everything, as the subject was about werewolves, and he was one.

But it didn't hurt reminding yourself of what you learned and what the questions would be about.

Most students were done already and they had ten minutes left, Blade was drawing, Farren was reading a book, Katherine and Sol had grabbed their notes too.

Elian and Annabeth were reading books about history, Kaito was staring outside and Trace was checking his answers.

After the ten minutes, everyone was finished and handed in their paper before leaving to go to their next class.

Bruce was sat at his desk, a pile of test papers next to him, he waited until everyone was comfortably seated before beginning.

"right, just a little heads up, since a week is too short to teach you all about the subjects, our subjects will be up to two or three weeks each, or longer." he informed.

"now, I Wil hand out the paper and I wish you all success."

He handed out the papers and the students began working, Kai was done quickly but checked his answers a few times and realized his uncle did a little trick.

You could find all the answers in the questions, for example, one question is: what's the second lowest rank, in question five the answer is B.

It went from two questions further down to three questions further down.

Kai smiled and grabbed his drawing book from his bag, grabbing a sketching pencil.

He started sketching a black panther, paying close attention to details.

Once he finished, he grabbed a black marker from his bag and started carefully coloring in the panther.

For the details for his muzzle and such, he went over the lines a few times to get it to be darker.

He made the eyes emerald green, he still had space for a background so he started sketching a tree on the right and on the left a small piece of trunk of the second tree where mostly the leaves were visible.

And he sketched a vine that went from one end to another, with smaller vines hanging from it.

He finished half of the background when Bruce sent them to their next class.

He packed his stuff back into his bag and left with his brother and Kaito, watching Blade running after his family, almost slipping and falling onto his face.

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