{Chapter 4}

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12k+ words

2006 February 5th

3rd person

The alpha looked down at his sleeping son, the young child had just been born and moved to a different room where all the baby's slept when their mother's needed rest.

He had gotten a red crib, his son was an alpha. The stars told him, at every birth the child would have a shape on their foreheads.

someone would take that shape and look at a specific point, where the stars glowed more brightly and take a picture of it.

It would tell you how many kids they'd have, what rank they were and how many mates they had.

They had named him 'Kai' it meant 'Sea' for most, it stood for his baby blue eyes, but in Greek it meant 'keeper of keys; Earth' and the god of good.

Some nurses were still in the room, taking care of the children or bringing newborns to the nursery room. He scanned around the room, watching the children sleep.

Then his eyes fell onto him.

He walked over to the white crib that meant 'hybird' and looked down at the sleeping child, he looked about a year or older.

He motioned a nurse to him and pointed at the child "how old is he?" he questioned "fourteen months, alpha." the nurse responded "is he sick?" he asked confused.

"no, his mother died after birth and his father had died months before. And he has no other family members." the nurse responded "thank you for the information." he said before the nurse walked away.

He glanced down affectionately at the child, then he walked out of the nursery, with a question for his wife. He walked inside the room and saw her eating, her eyes slightly drooping.

"sweetheart," he sat next to her bed on a chair "would you want to go with me and look at our son, and the other kids?" he asked taking her hand in his.

"sure." she got out of her bed after pushing the food tray to the side, she clung onto his arm as they made their way to the nursery room.

She let go of his arm and walked towards her child, she stared down with a sweet smile "our little pup.." she whispered.

"there's someone I want you to meet." he told her, she turned around and followed her husband to the white crib, she stared down at the child infront of her "he's fourteen months, his mother died after birth and his father died, he has no family." he told her.

"I want to adopt him.." she whispered "how about we take him in, Kai will have a friend." she told him "let's do that, I'll get the paper work." he said before leaving his wife at the white crib.

Moments later the alpha came back with a small pile of papers in his hands, a nurse followed him.

"I'm glad you are adopting him." she told them "he's been so lonely and nobody wanted to adopt him because he's a hybird." she told them "well I guess that'll change today." the Luna smiled before gently picking up the young child.

After they had filed out the paper work, they took the children home.

Micheal Matthew had finally been adopted.


2016 February 15th

TW: bullying!


I fell to the ground as one of the older males kicked me in the stomach, even after all the lessons my uncle gave me I still couldn't beat these bullies.

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