{Chapter 6}

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The wolf woke up, blinking sleep from his eyes, he tried to move his arm but froze as he felt something clinging onto said arm.

He glanced to the side and let out a sigh as he realized it was just Blade.

He carefully slid his arm out from underneath the boy and quietly left his room.

His family was up already, Trace smiled at him, looking happier than yesterday.

"I'm guessing you can go?" he asked, the blonde nodded happily.

"Trace, could you wake up Blade and bring him back to his dorm please?" Jace called, the blonde nodded and went into Kai's room.

The alpha wolf sighed, he grabbed his phone and checked his schedule.

Supernatural Species

The app said that the students have different people in their classes on Friday, to avoid knowing who to cheat off of.

He went to check the chat he shared with his friends, and to his surprise, the only thing that happened was Parrish reporting on a group of hunters.

He put away his phone and went to get something to eat, he grabbed an apple and a banana and quickly gulped down the food.

Not soon after, Tracer headed towards the Vampire floors to drop off Blade, who had stayed the night after he fell asleep.

Once the two left, he went back to his room and changed into a sleeveless black shirt and a pair of shorts, putting his uniform in his sports bag.

When he placed his bag at the front door, Kaito had left his room and was eating cereal.

He was wearing a red t-shirt and a pair of red basketball shorts, and Tracer was wearing a black t-shirt with their teams basketball shorts.

The basketball uniform his team had the colors white black and red, and their team was called Seirin.

The basketball uniform his team had the colors white black and red, and their team was called Seirin

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Anyways, Trace was wearing the mostly black shorts.

Speaking of trace, the blonde wolf just walked back into the dorm.

Their mother was wearing a light blue blouse and white jeans, and her beautiful brown hair was braided.

Their father was watching TV, he wore a red button up with black dress pants.

Jace and Bruce had left already to go to the Combat building, which is where they needed to be in the next ten minutes.

Kaito finished eating his breakfast and the three got up, their mother pulled Tracer aside before they left.

"drink this," she said, handing him a blue potion, the blonde stared at it questioningly.

"it'll give you strength." she told him, he shrugged and gulped it down, handing the glass back to his mom.

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