{Chapter 8}

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The black-red haired wolf turned around in his bed, the black sheets covering his lower half.

Bright shafts of sunlight glimpsed through a few gaps between his curtains.

He growled softly in his sleep as one of the beams shone onto his face, he rolled over to lay flat on his stomach.

He opened his eyes sleepily, his black-red hair ruffled and tangled from sleep, he reached out to his nightstand and grabbed his phone.

He turned it on and checked the time, it was almost seven pm, he groaned and sat up.

Right, first: Breakfast, then homework, video games until Trace is ready to go the gym to spar.

He got up and stretched out his arms, his wolf yawned in his mind while he went to grab clothes.

He grabbed a black t-shirt and a pair of black shorts, he changed into his fresh clothes and went to do his hair.

His birthday was in a month, so that was exciting, he would be turning eighteen.

It was weekend, but he had alot of homework, mostly of History and Algebra, he also had homework on Chemistry and Supernatural Species.

He brushed all the knots out of his hair and let it be afterwards, he walked out of his room and into the living room.

He was apparently the first awake, or at least out of the three children, he didn't hear any breathing in his parents room, or his uncles.

And they weren't in the dorm, so he was technically the only one awake in the dorm.

He decided on some fruit for breakfast, he could eat that while doing homework since he had alot to do on History.

He cut up some apples, pears, bananas, strawberries and added some black berries.

He put his fruit in a bowl, grabbed a fork and headed back to his room, leaving the door open.

He sat down at his desk, grabbed the history book the teacher had given him and the homework.

It was all questions about the recent war between the Castel Clan and the Matthew Pack.

His Grandfather hated the Castel Clan, and strongly hated vampires because he believed that the forest could only belong to one night predator.

He started a war with the previous leader of the Castel Clan, who was still alive and well, he was forced to fight to keep his Clan and Territory safe.

The Matthew Pack lost respect for their Alpha, but the Council protected the twisted Alpha and killed anybody who dares to refuse orders.

The pack started following him out of fear, hoping for Keith to stand up to his father.

In the end, during the war his Grandfather had been killed and both Clan and Pack decided on a temporary Truce.

The previous leader of the clan stepped down and let the current ruler take over and make the Truce.

The Truce lasted for three months to grieve for the lost and get enough time for the two new leader to adapt to their new role.

Anyways, he had 60 homework questions, so he got to work, eating his fruit meanwhile.

After 45 minutes, he was done, he grabbed his Algebra homework and started working.

When he was halfway done, Trace walked in, wearing a dark green t-shirt and shorts.

"good morning to you, little brother." Kai told him, not taking his eyes off his homework to write down the answer to a question.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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