{chapter 5}

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First period was Supernatural Class, his brother wasn't with him as he was confined to the dorm by their mom.

Class had been canceled yesterday when Tracer had been poisoned, Bruce couldn't go to the lesson as he had to report to the principal about the situation.

Turns out, the witch had been banned from the school premises and no other royals from that coven were allowed to enroll in the school.

That was good for the witch, cause if he had still been at the school, he wouldn't be there alive much longer with Kai prowling around.

Kai sat in his seat next to Elian, Kaito was on his phone, waiting for Bruce to arrive.

Farren was weirdly extra happy today, and the wolf was wondering why.

Another high ranked vampire scent wafted up his nose, it was familiar but he couldn't remember to who it belonged.

Then she walked in.

Katherine Castel, seventeen years old, Elian and Farren's cousin. She had black hair with the same eyes as the two siblings.

She wore a white button down with a black tie and a black skirt with a black leather jacket.

She dressed identically as Farren, but had the same sharp features as Elian.

Which meant she had a sharp jawline, a well-defined chin and piercing sapphire eyes, the last feature was one that everyone in the Castel family had, apart from Queen Amaya.

She sat down in a new vacant seat, right next to Kaito, which meant it was the witches seat before he got banned.

Kai had met Katherine a few times in his life, she was known for her singing and instrumental skills, like the other two, but she was also famous for being a movie star.

She was also Sol's older sister.

Bruce walked in soon after and looked a little stressed, Kai could tell that his Uncle's wolf was agitated with having to deal with classes and worrying about Tracer.

"right, Class, we have a new student, Katherine Castel." Bruce started off immediately.

"today, we will be talking about the typical personalities of a werewolf and the forms that a werewolf can shift into." Bruce continued.

He leaned against the back of his desk, facing the children "who can tell me the four forms a werewolf can shift into?" he asked.

Alot of hands went up some didn't bother answering, Kai was one of them, what use was it to explain things most students already knew?

"Miss Katherine?"

"Beast form, Canine form, Animal form and Wolf form." she answered, Kai leaned back in his chair, observing the confused faces of his classmates.

"correct, now, can anyone explain to me what these forms mean?" Bruce asked "yes, Mr.Crow?"

"the beast form is a form where werewolves can transform into a giant half-human, half-wolf form." the boy answered.

"correct." Bruce affirmed "now, can someone explain what Canine Form is?"

Kai raised his hand, knowing most students probably wouldn't get it "Mr.Kai?"

"Canine Form is the form a werewolf can take while having full control over their wolf, meaning they will be able to unsheathe their claws, flash their wolf eyes and bare their canines in human form." Kai answered.

"right, now, can someone explain Animal form? We've discussed this last time with a little fun display." Bruce hinted.

Many hands shot into the air, knowing he meant when Tracer showed them that he could shift into a real wolf.

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