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Enjoy that sexy hand 😏 your welcome😉


It's been a week since they found Somi's body in Taehyung's backyard A planted there cause they knew Somi and Taehyung had secrets about each other also despised each other"Taehyung? Hellooo"he finally snapped out of his thoughts when he realized Jimin has been calling him"oh yeah what is it"Jimin shook his head"you should really stop spacing out pay attention to what Joon and Yoongi think"Taehyung nodded realizing it's serious"looks like A killed Somi remember the paper you said she had in her fist"Taehyung nodded at Yoongi"well it says she killed Joy and she died I bet you Wendy is in on this so soon she'll be dying as well"the boys all nodded at Namjoon who had knew something was off"well where would we know where she is"Jimin smacked the banana milk sucker on the back of his head making him pout"did you forget about your sister and mine"Jungkook widened his eyes and Hoseok sighed at the slowness of this boy"he might be strong but I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a brain"Jungkook gasped dramatically hearing Hoseok say that and he pretended to wipe a fake tear and they fell into laughter.

Jisoo scanned the auditorium before putting a smile on her face and entering as she didn't spot any trace of him"missed me already"there he stood crossing his arms and a smirk on his lips which pissed her off she would love to rip his face"stop saying shit about me in your mind"Jisoo rolled her eyes and walked to the decorations laying on the table in the middle of the big room"it's sad how Somi died"Jisoo froze at his sentence"getting slit by their throat and getting buried by your own girlfriend isn't easy"her eyes widened and she turned around to see him standing in front of her with a creepy smile"Eric this is not something funny to joke about"he laughed and walked away from her to continue decorating the other side but she knew he would glance at her from time to time which wasn't to her liking"Jisoo"she smiled at the sound of the girl squealing and felt like she owed her whole life to her"Chae what are you doing"the girl looked around before looking back at Jisoo"I sneaked out of class since I got bored so I thought of helping you and I gotta say this is amazing"Jisoo giggled seeing the latter jump around while making weird noises.

^ some Chaesoo cause I love this friendship.

Lisa didn't want to do this but to be sure she walked over to Bambam who stood with a few of the football team"Bambam can we talk"he looked at her and smirked he told the boys he'll talk to them later and sat down on the bench signaling for her to sit"what is it that miss Lalisa wants to talk to me that's surprising"she rolled her eyes placing her books next to her that were really heavy"Bambam we were friends..and I just want to make sure you don't..uh You know l- like me"he blinked a few times before he started laughing"what if I am"seeing his serious face Lisa got scared"Bambam"he rolled his eyes"obviously no"Lisa smiled standing up and grabbing her books"that's good then"she started walking but stopped turning around"also this wasn't a friendly conversation just to make sure you won't use my old self to get what you want it's okay to have a crush on me who doesn't"and with that she walked away a smirk on her face feeling proud of herself for giving him a piece of her mind"god I've wanted to do that for so long"she squealed jumping around receiving weird stares at her but she didn't care.


Seulgi"she jumped hearing her brother yell her name"yah you wanna die what's wrong with you"he smiled with his eyes while she glared at him"Seul why did A kill Somi"she opened her locker and placed her stuff inside"I don't know"he could sense she was lying"Seul tell me"she slammed her locker shut and looked at him"the two fucking killed Joy and this is Wendy's punishment she's next"Jimin widened his eyes"Seulgi it's not the right choice to kill them"she sighed"I know"he placed a hand on her shoulder"tell me where Wendy is"she nodded.

Jennie exited the bathroom and saw Irene and Taehyung talking she hid behind the lockers and eavesdropped"your so sweet trying to protect your girlfriend"he glared at her while she smirked"Irene you can't tell anyone"she raided an eyebrow"why not everyone should know what kind of person Jennie is I'm surprised pregnant at 15"Jennie widened her eyes"what if I asked you to break up with her to keep her secret would you"Taehyung sighed clenching his fists"Irene stop I don't like you get over it"she rolled her eyes grabbing his collar and pushing him on the locker"your girlfriend would be disappointed if she saw this"Jennie clenched her fists and wasn't putting up with this bitch's shit she's done"get your hands off my man you bitch"Taehyung smirked seeing Jennie walk up to them"oh look it's the slut"and Jennie snapped she slapped Irene"don't touch him anymore and tell whoever you want about my pregnancy I don't care"with that she walked off pissed off and Taehyung knew she was mad at him for not telling her.

[After school...9:00PM]

The boys gathered at Jungkook's house to discuss the important matter of this morning"So Yeri and Seulgi told us where the secret place is so me Jin Yoongi and Hoseok will go"Namjoon explained making them nod"when we call you that we have Wendy call the girls Jimin"Yoongi stated the plan that him and Namjoon planned this morning skipping class"alright you find Wendy and let's get this over with"they all nodded.

"No it's right turn right Namjoon"Jin scolded the nervous boy driving"are we sure it was a good idea to let Namjoon drive"Hoseok said making his boyfriend laugh"Namjoon just follow what I say it'll be alright"the poor boy nodded"okay keep on going straight then you have to turn right again"Namjoon followed the instructions as told and he was proud"oh great it's next to a forest how fun"Yoongi sarcastically said"keep on going straight"Jin placed a chips in his mouth crunching on it"woah woah what the-"and boom they crashed to the girl that was running in a white dress"oh great how creepy can it get"Namjoon panicked but he gapsed when he saw the face of the girl"it's Dahyun"

Dun dun dun...😏

This was a bit tad short but next chapter will be soon💜

who do you think A is?

LOVE YOU💜💜💜😘😘😘

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