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Marco sat in the chair in Andre's office, with Bianca and his right hand on the couch.

The couch was positioned right in front of the door, facing it with a center table. On the center table, there was a bottle of the most expensive champagne placed in an ice bucket along with a few glasses.

Bianca glanced judgmentally at the office's interior. It wasn't her taste, but she wouldn't praise it, given her limitless hatred for the French mafia.

"My daughter is getting ready; she will be here in a few minutes," Andre mentioned after sending a maid to bring his daughter to his office.

"It's okay. She might be nervous and shy. Girls tend to be so in front of my Marco," Bianca said, smiling, but it wasn't a friendly smile.

Marco just smirked at Andre's speechless expression secretly. Of course, Andre knew that men in the mafia had affairs and one-night stands, but when they got married, it was written in blood that their loyalty lay with their own wife.

Just as a woman's loyalty lies with her husband. But talking about other women in front of Andre... he didn't like it.

Without saying anything in response, he kept his mouth shut. It was safer for them not to speak against the Italian mafia, especially when the French mafia lacked a male heir. Intent on protecting it, Andre had decided to marry off one of his daughters to the Russian mafia and the other to the Italian, serving as a clear example of how desperate he was to safeguard his empire.

There was a knock on the door as Andre gave them a smile. "Come in," he announced, sitting calmly, but his inner peace was struck in a hurricane, imagining the things his daughter would do or say.

To say the least, he was terrified to his bones, but it takes years of practice to keep a chill face in the moment of crisis in the mafia, and he mastered the art.

"Meet my daughter, Odette Francois," he proudly announced as Odette entered the room.

Her eyes weren't on the floor, nor was her walk nervous; she carried herself gracefully. She entered, swaying her hips in her red dress with a thigh-length slit, revealing her milky skin with a thigh chain made up of diamonds, beautifully customized.

Her toes were painted black, matching her fingernails, adding contrast to her look. Besides, Odette always liked to paint her nails black, and it looked good on her fair, pale skin.

Her tattoos were revealing, as she didn't listen to her father and hid them under concealer. Eyes with dramatic winged eyeliner and red lipstick, she looked like a seductress in a good way. If Bianca heard about Odette being really beautiful, then the words and praises didn't do justice to her beauty. Her long black hair was tied in a tight ponytail, giving her a strong look.

In simple words, she looked like a goddess. Draco's mouth hung open, looking at Odette's beauty, but one glare from Bianca made him snap his eyes down within his limits.

Odette didn't break eye contact with Bianca since the second she stepped into the room. Her aura spoke power to Bianca, which somehow looked challenging to her. She was the first woman who didn't feel intimidated in the presence of Bianca, making her clench her jaw.

This caught Odette's attention, and she smirked at the woman.

  "Hello, nice to meet you," Odette spoke in her angelic voice. This made Marco turn his head and look at the ethereal beauty standing behind him.

He swirled the chair and laid his eyes on Odette, looking at her as if he were admiring every inch of her skin with his fingers. The intense gaze on herself made Odette turn her head towards Marco, and the moment she made eye contact with him, her breath hitched.

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