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As soon as Odette’s eyes diverted to the sky she couldn’t speak. She just kept looking at the beautiful view with glistening eyes.

The whole sky was lit up with drones which were emitting bright light as stars. It was a hell of a show that how they were moving in sync and forming a three hearts, three hands holding together, a huge heart with we love you written inside it.

But what caught her utmost attention was they started moving and her gaze widened as it started to form words.


It happened so soon that she doubted if she read it in real, they didn’t ask her, they pleased.
They didn’t demand, they begged and tears were threatening to fall from her doe eyes. Her breathe hitched when a ring was formed in the sky and she blinked her eyes for the first time since the show started and slowly lowered her gaze to see marco and mario both on their knees.

There was a ring in their hands – single ring in their hands and they were looking at her almost terrified like if they are thinking she would day no. They were nervous and gulped hard and their Adams apple bobbed making Odette gulp.

Their hands are joined together as if trying to calm their nerves and other is in front of her holding a side of ring which had three hearts and not to mention huge. That it would be definitely a statement jewellery with what ever she will wear rather than look like wedding ring but that wasn’t her concern.

The girl who thought she wouldn’t marry a man like her dad, have a simple life and be the feminist and fight for women’s rights. She was going to run away from the marriage or worse hurt her husband who was marrying her under the contract to make alley with their family business.

Not even in her dream she thought she will fall in love and not one but two men. Marriage was far away.
But now looking into their blue eyes she see their love for her. She can see the truth of their feelings which they have only for her. The depths of their love for her which they won’t drown to raise her high, giving her wings.

She thought marriage would only crumble her independence but they gave her choice to choose and leave and she thought only a fool would leave them and she wasn’t a fool.

With teary eyes she nodded her head giving her hand forward and a huge smile spread on their faces immediately and they put the ring on her finger, got up on their legs and hugged her together. Holding her tight in their arms they breathed  sigh of relief as they said “I love you”.
“I love you”, again and again and Odette let her tears flow happily as she whispered back “I love you too”.

A beautiful blast echoed in the sky as she flinched slightly but her eyes soon travelled to the dark sky where in place of drones are firecracker and she haven’t seen such beauty.

Giggling she kissed their cheeks and they returned the gesture by giving her kiss on her lips which she gladly accepted.

The rest of the night went drinking, dancing and a romantic dinner under the starry night which would be the memory Odette promised to take with her to her grave.

Where as twins thought that they were luckiest men in the world to get a princess as their mother used to read but in real life and they would do anything to keep her like this, filling her life with happiness and eyed with memories which they would all cherish their life time.


“I can’t believe am going to marry them”, Odette blabbered pacing around her room in her wedding gown.

“Aunt Oddy, come on, don’t stress out, you will get wrinkles and you will look older than now”, Paul commented rolling his eyes.

Odette narrowed her eyes on the little boy who stood across the room in his black suit and stopped on her tracks and folded her hands on her chest as she snapped.

“What do you mean older?! I look old?!”, she asked feeling offended and glared at the little boy.

“Isn’t eighteen means older?! You said you wanted to be older last year because the wedding was paused since you were seventeen”, Peter retorted frowning and Odette exhaled heavily before correcting.

“It’s not paused, it’s delayed and yes, I guess you were right I said that”, she admitted sitting on the couch.

“But you look beautiful fine as wine, the older the tastier”, Peter said and Odette smirked at them before telling.

“Did you hear your dad tell this to your mom?”.

“no we heard grandpa telling grandma”, they both said frowning making Odette laugh throwing her head back.

Her nose turned red as she came back from her laughing fit and her mood soured once again and twins rushed to her hugging her from both sides.

“don’t you think it’s weird, you have only one aunt but two uncles?”, Odette asked taking a huge breathe and twins smiled at her widely.

“You are stressed because you are having two grooms? But isn’t it a good thing aunt oddy?!”, Paul exclaimed excited.

“Why is it a good thing? When people will talk about it making me hurt?”, she asked looking into their eyes.

“It’s good thing because you got buy one get one free offer and mom is always happy when she get something in sale like this and people will talk bad because they missed the offer so we shouldn’t let them make us feel hurt but enjoy the sale by ourselves and can tell them to fuck off bitches”, Peter said making Odette chuckle and hug them tightly.

“I won’t be telling to your mom you just used bad language”, Odette said patting Peter’s back and this made Paul smirk.

“Well if you tell, we will tell that you are our teacher”, he said back making her eyes wide and the door opened revealing a stressed Aurora.

“what are you doing here boys, you are supposed to stay with marco and mario! You are their best men!”, Aurora said and their eyes widened in realization.

“Oh! We are leaving”, they said as they ran outside making Odette chuckle.

“oddy…..”, Aurora walked towards her sister and Odette’s smile vanished immediately looking at her sister’s stressed face.

“What’s wrong rora?”, she asked getting up on her feet and Aurora sighed heavily and hugged Odette.

“Mrs Grayson couldn’t make it, it’s okay, you can meet her tomorrow”, Aurora lied knowing very well what happened to her.

Instead of telling that the woman whom Odette consider as God mother was found dead in her apartment in Rome and her death wasn’t natural but a murder and Aurora found this when she heard marco and mario speaking.

Frowning Odette broke the hug looking into Aurora’s eyes.

“You are lying?”, she asked sensing the turmoil in her sister’s heart.

“why would I?!”, Aurora fought back staying on her words.

“I just got a call from her that her daughter’s health is not fine and she is in emergency unit”, Aurora said without stuttering.

Nodding her head Odette sighed then smiled sadly.

“it’s okay, I guess I will meet her later when we reach rome”, Odette said making Aurora release a sigh internally.

“Now, let’s go, your impatient groom are waiting for you”, Aurora squealed making Odette smile widely.

Taking a deep breathe she nodded her head with confidence shaking her thoughts about what people will tell and walked out of the dressing room with a huge genuine smile on her lips.

towards her destiny.


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