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Finally, after the engagement party ended, Odette went to bed tiredly. Laying on her soft bed with her pink blanket in her arms, she sighed, smelling it as a smile formed on her lips.

“Mama… this still smells like you,” Odette breathed out, sighing.

“I miss you, Mama,” she breathed out again as a lone tear escaped her doe eyes.

“I am engaged to Marco, the Italian mafia boss,” she spoke again as if she were talking to her therapist or writing her day in a journal.

This gave her peace, and Odette did this quietly after her mother’s death, which Aurora suggested she do.

Aurora couldn’t see her little sister struggling for her mother’s warmth at such a young age and said her mother isn’t gone completely; she is there, still around her, watching her, but from above the sky as she became a star.

Odette got better after doing this, and it became a habit to talk, seeing the sky before sleeping.

Odette’s phone beeped, making her sigh. Thinking it should be a phone company’s message, she ignored it, but it beeped again, making her sigh as she got up from her bed and reached for her phone on the night table.

“Good night, princess, will meet you soon.” - Your bello ;)

A faint smile formed on her lips as she shook her head in disbelief. Marco got her number and started texting too! Great!

“Bad night to you.”

She replied, chuckling to herself, and locked the phone after muting it so that she could sleep peacefully as it was already too late.

“I don’t have time to eat; I’m already late. I have an important exam today,” Odette spoke frantically, panicking.

“Princess, please eat something, or Master will scold us,” the maid requested her, making her sigh.

“Mrs. Smith, please tell him I ate; he wouldn’t care,” Odette said, rolling her eyes as she packed her bag and ran out of her room.

“Hurry up, I’m already late,” she said to the driver who drives her to her college regularly.

“Okay, princess,” the driver replied politely but kept a safe speed as her safety matters most.

She sighed as she leaned back and closed her eyes for one second then opened them as the car came to a halt.

“What the heck?!” Odette gasped, looking at the front seeing huge traffic in front of her.

The driver spoke to someone who informed that there was an accident that happened, and the traffic is jammed, and it will take time to clear.

Which he informed to Odette, making her groan.

“Why the hell is this happening today?!” she whined as she fist her hair.

“I will go by walk; I don’t have time,” she said as she glanced at her watch then got out of the car, making the driver horrified.

“Princess, you can’t go without guards; it’s dangerous,” the driver cried, making her roll her eyes.

“Nothing will happen,” she said without taking another glance at him, she ran off into the cars which are jammed on the road.

Running between the gaps of the car in her leather shorts along with mesh stockings and a black oversized shirt with funky silver chains and rings with black leather boots, she looked like a bad baby girl which any man would desire to make her his own sugar baby.

In between her running, she didn’t notice someone who had his eyes on her since the day he met her looking at her alluring figure running in between the cars.

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