♡ 1. Italy ♡

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The cars filled the streets with noise while people gathered in a long line to be able to get a taxi. There were no busses in sight, so the line seemed to be the only reasonable option for now. I walked over to it when I noticed something on my right. It was a street that seemed to be filled with restaurants and cafés.

"Maybe some food wouldn't be so wrong..." I mumbled and changed direction. My suitcase trailed along behind me as I took in the smell of all kinds of food. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too expensive. I was meeting up with my boyfriend tomorrow and I only had a limited amount of money up until that point. Besides, I'm only 17, I won't be able to get more on my own for now.

I kept walking until I reached the water. The street continued along the water canal, filled with not only food places, but also small shops. I probably shouldn't lose track of time... I'm pretty good at that, so I'll just take the next Café and then head back to grab a taxi.

"Hey! Watch out!" Someone yelled as they ran towards me. Just as I was about to turn around to see who it was, they pushed me. Luckily I didn't fall, but my luggage did.

"NOO!!" I tried to grab it, but couldn't. It fell into the water. "Goddammit!" I saw the man in the blue and red clothes running away from me. Great... Now I only had my handbag. What do I even have in here? I checked to see my passport, phone, some money and a bunch of junk. Why would my boyfriend even have me stay at a hotel for a night before we meet up?! He knows I'm like a lost child in new places. I've never even been to Italy, for God's sake... Not only that, but I only know basic Italian too. I noticed a small café just a few meters ahead. I decided to step inside, but lucky as I am, I managed to step into puddle. A deep one.

"My shoe is all wet now..." I was really starting to get annoyed now. Why was the universe working against me today?!

The door made a small creaking sound before the bell above the door was heard. The sweet smell of pastries filled my nose. I was just gonna buy something, like, a piece of tiramisu. Then I'd get to my hotel. That's all, then I'd meet up with my boyfriend tomorrow. No big deal, right? There was only the baker and a boy in here right now, so it seemed pretty calm.

"What do you mean? You've sold them all?" He asked her. His hair was a dark mess, put up into an orange bandana. He seemed to be wearing mostly dark clothes, except for the bandana and a matching, orange skirt of some sort.

"I'm sorry, Narancia, but you know I can only save you a piece if my boss doesn't see it." The baker was a very pretty, young girl, probably my age. In fact, I think the boy was around my age too. I'll assume his name is Narancia for now.

"Come oooon... I was looking forward to the sweet taste of your delicious orange cake." He wasn't the patient type, that's for sure.

"You'll have to come back tomorrow, now move, I have a customer." Not gonna lie, I don't have a lot of patience either so the conversation ending was only to my relief. As he turned around, I noticed his face, specifically his eyes. They had a gorgeous, purple color, it was mesmerizing.

"Excuse me, I'm in a bit of a rush, do you mind if I go first?" It was only now that I realized an older man had entered the Café. He looked to be around 40, and had brown hair with some grey streaks in it.

"Sorry... but I'm in a bit of a hurry too." I said and turned back to the baker girl. Just then, I felt a large hand on my shoulder.

"Signorina, La via per il cuore di un uomo è attraverso il suo stomaco.* Please, let me step ahead of you." I have no idea what this man just said to me, but I was not in the mood anymore.

"Sorry, I don't speak spaghetti, kindly fuck off." I sighed loudly and resisted the urge to slap his hand off my shoulder. Luckily, my comment made him withdraw it himself.

"Watch your mouth, kid. You wouldn't want to get in trouble when you're walking these streets." What? These streets? What did he mean? He must have noticed my confusion, because he kept talking, unfortunately. "You're a tourist right? Well, you should be careful. These streets are home to some of the country's most dangerous mafiosos." His words were starting to scare me, so I decided to leave the bakery as quickly as I could. I looked back to see that the man wasn't following me, so I made a sigh of relief. That was until I heard footsteps approaching. I turned around and saw that boy following me.

"Hey, wait up!" I stopped walking and let him catch up to me. He seemed extremely out of breath. "He.. Here." He held out a small paper bag to me. I looked at him in confusion before I took and looked inside. Inside it was a small piece of tiramisu, the exact thing I wanted to buy.

"You got me this? What about the man? Did you run all the way here to give me this? Hold on, let me pay you back." I began digging around in my bag, but he gave me a large smile.

"Don't worry about it. I figured you looked hungry and since I know the baker, I pulled some strings to get that for you for free." He said and winked. What a strange boy.

"I- Uh- Thank you. I really appreciate this." My cheeks started to heaten up slightly at the kind gesture. "Though, you still ran here for me. Can I pay you back somehow?" He thought for a moment.

"Well... Not really. Besides, that man is kind of known to bother young girls here in Naples, so I should be thanking you for putting him in his place." He replied, still with that large smile on his face. "By the way, I'm Narancia!"

"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you!" I smiled back at him now. His kindness warmed my heart, and I couldn't deny it. "I have to go... But I hope I'll see you again." I said and waved to him, the paper bag still in my hand.

After crossing paths with him, I didn't feel as worried. I even found my way to the hotel eventually, where I could check in right away. I got a normal-sized room, perfect for one night. I sat down and opened the bag. The tiramisu was still in perfect condition. That boy, Narancia, was so nice. He seemed a bit like a child somehow, but not in a bad way. Maybe this was a sign that this trip wouldn't be so bad?

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.


"Hi, Y/N. Are you in Italy yet?"

"Ah, Marco! Yes, I landed a few hours ago, I just got to the hotel."

"Good. I'll pick you up at 10 A.M. sharp tomorrow."

"Sounds good! I'm looking forward to it, I've missed you so much..."

"You know I miss you too, but I gotta go. Some guys from my new job wants to go out for drinks and I can't say no. I'm the new 20-year old colleague, after all. I have to make a good impression."

"Yes, of course. Don't drink too much, I love y-" He hung up before I could finish. I'm sure he was just in a hurry, but I was hoping I'd get a chance to tell him more about my day and about that boy I met. I suppose I'll save that for tomorrow, then. It's going to be a good day, I just know it.


*Signorina, La via per il cuore di un uomo è attraverso il suo stomaco= Miss, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Hi! I love Narancia sm, I hope you'll enjoy this story :) If any Italian is incorrect, please point it out so I can fix it. I only know some of it, I'm relying on Google translate for the rest 🙏


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