♡ 14. I love you ♡

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There had been two days since we had found Narancia, and he still hadn't woken up. Everyone was busy trying to find any sign of the arrow or Marco, while I had spent these days trying to be there for Nara. His wounds had healed to perfection thanks to giorno, but all I could do was hold his hand and be by his side until he woke up. I had a million things to say to him, yet the only thing on my mind right now was how much I wanted him to just open his eyes. I just wanted him to smile at me like he always does. To be honest, I also wanted to yell at him for not waking me up when there was an enemy. Could I even blame him though? If it really was Marco, chances are Narancia just wanted to protect me. My hand grasped his a little tighter and I smiled at the thought. He was always making me smile by protecting me or making weird jokes. I'd honestly pay to hear his laugh right now. My hand loosened around his, only touching his fingers with mine as I put my head down next his arm. I hadn't slept properly in two days, and the comfort of his soft bed made me doze off pretty quickly.

I wasn't in a deep sleep, but I wasn't awake either. I felt soft, gentle strokes on my head. Where was I...? Oh, yeah... Narancia's room. The touches stopped, and I figured I might have dreamt it. I wasn't really aware of what was going on around me, but I also was at the same time. My consciousness came creeping up my back as I turned my face down towards the sheets and sat up straight. My back hurt from the way I had been laying, so I was probably out for a few hours at least. I stretched my arms up in the air and opened my eyes.

"Nara...?" What I saw was an empty bed. No Narancia, just a blanket and two pillows. Immediately, I was wide awake and threw myself out of the room. Where was he? Had someone taken him? Was he awake? I got to the kitchen, where Bucciarati and Giorno were sitting. They both smiled at my panicked face.

"What's so funny?! Narancia's gone! Where- Where is he?!" I put my hand on my chest, my heart was beating so hard I could barely stand it.

"He's in the living room with Fugo, don't worry." Giorno reassured and I left the second he said it. I ran up to the entrance of the room, stopping at the sight. I made eye contact with Fugo, who gave me a smile and looked at the person in front of him. A person with dark, messy hair wrapped in an orange bandana. Fugo stood up and walked past me, as Narancia turned around. Our eyes met and I couldn't help but let some of my tears fall. They'd been building up inside me for days, and all I could do was walk up to him and slouch down on the floor.

"Nara..." I didn't know where to begin, but he sat down on the floor and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry. I should have told you when I left the first time, and I should have told you when I left the bed earlier." My face was snuggled into the crook of his neck again. The warmth from his skin heated up my face.

"Narancia... I was so scared something had happened to you, and you were all bloody when we found you... You shouldn't have left without saying anything, and-" He made my head tilted upwards and cupped my face in his hands. His thumbs wiped away my tears, but it was only now that I noticed he was crying too.

"Y/N- please don't cry! It's making me so sad to see you like this, and I feel so bad for making you feel this way. Please forgive me!" I smiled in relief and wiped his tears too. The feeling was entirely mutual and every part of me was screaming at me to tell him how much he means to me. I didn't care about Marco, and I didn't care about the arrow, not right now.

"Narancia, I love you." He looked shocked, almost as if he wasn't expecting it at all. Then again, maybe this was a truly terribly moment to confess that. Just a second later, he smiled. His usual, absolutely adorable smile.

"Really?! You love me? Y/N, I love you too! I love you so much!" This time, my face heated up entirely caused by myself.

"I-" He leaned forwards and kissed me, as he held my body tightly to his. It wasn't as gentle as last time, but it was filled with love. He backed away and caught his breath before repeatedly kissing my entire face.

"Y/N. That's such a beautiful name. My Y/N. Can I say that? Is that okay?" I laughed and nodded my head.

"Please call me that from now on." He gave me one last kiss on the lips before getting up. He grabbed my hands and helped me up too. Just as he was about to say something, someone cleared their throat from behind me. I turned around and saw Bucciarati.

"I don't mean to ruin your moment, but we might have found Marco's location." We followed him back to the kitchen where a map had been layed out on the table. Everyone had gathered around it to see the path that had been drawn out on it. Narancia rested his chin on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me. I tried to hide my flustered face in this serious situation, but my heart rate increasing didn't help.

"What we know so far is that he's hiding in one of these buildings." Giorno pointed at a large area. "It's close to the flower shop where we found Narancia, and where Y/N-" He looked over at me, but didn't finish the sentence. Narancia's head leaned slightly to the side, touching mine. I think it was his attempt at comforting me. Not gonna lie, it did help. "-so we have to get here and somehow search through these buildings unnoticed. Narancia, you and Y/N will be the first to go. You'll use Aerosmith to scan the area to make sure we can enter. Y/N will be there in case something happens again. Neither of you are allowed to be alone."

"To add to that..." Bucciarati began. "We will join you the second we know it's safe. You won't have to risk anything right now, as we don't want any more injuries. Hopefully, we'll find the arrow, and if we're lucky we might even be able to finish off Marco."

"You're forgetting something though, his stand. He probably already knows our location, meaning he'll know we're coming." I explained, and I felt Narancia's breathing speed up.

"Yeah... That's probably how he got here the first time, when I fought him..." I put my hands on his hands that still rested around my body. It was terrible that he had to go through it on his own.

"We'll be prepared. The two of you will go ahead, but we won't be far behind. Like I said, you won't be alone." Giorno was focused, and also pretty reassuring to be him. That's when I noticed something else. His right hand was on the map, but his left reached down to the side of the table, where Trish's right hand also rested. Good for them.

"Alright, let's go." Bucciarati tossed a pair of car keys to us, telling us to go ahead.


This felt cheesy so I'm not sure it's that good. But idk I feel like I need the comfort of Jojo characters rn so I allowed it to be a bit like that :)


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