♡ 8. Kidnapped ♡

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Everything was black. I heared two people talking nearby, it sounded like men's voices. They even sounded a bit familiar.

"Yeah, I get it, but did it have to be her?"

"Sorry, but you only told me to use the arrow on a woman. You never specified which woman." They were clearly arguing.

"Just not this one! Ugh, you're pathetic." The other voice then let out a loud scream. My body shivered and I figured I was about to die. Was I about to die? Maybe there was something I could use to get myself out of here. My hands and feet were tied together, while I was blindfolded and silenced by some old cloth they had put in my mouth. Could I use my stand? No, because I didn't know how!

Someone came over and pulled the blindfold and the cloth off of me. My eyes took a second to readjust to the light, eventually revealing that my kidnapper was Marco.

"Oh, fuck. It's you." I looked over a bit to the right, and saw a body on the ground as well. It was the dead body of the man who had stabbed me with the arrow.

"Shut up, bitch. I'll finish you off quickly, can't have your new Passione friends find you now that you've been hurt by the arrow." He slapped me and was about to put the old cloth back in my mouth.

"Wait! Marco, how do you know about Passione?" He glanced over at the dead man.

"That dude and I are part of it. He made the mistake of choosing you to try the arrow on, so now I kinda gotta kill you." The blood in my veins froze. I have to get myself out of this. I didn't want to die, especially not because of him.

My hand moved slightly behind my back, almost as if the rope had been loosened. Only a second later, they had been completely removed. I realized I must have been able to use my stand at least somewhat, and if I could do that, then I might be able to use it more.

"You know, Y/N... I look forward to seeing the face of that kid who saved you. When I tell him about your dead body rotting away in this old house..." It was just now that I noticed how I didn't know where I was, since the only thing visible was the inside of this wrecked house. I thought about his words. I had most likely not been gone for long, but I really missed Narancia. One part of me wanted him to come and save me, while the other wanted to get myself out of this without his help. So I impulsively did what I knew to be right, I punched Marco as hard as I could. He slid across the floor and hit his head on the wall behind him. I felt like I had gained a massive amount of power in just a few seconds. That's when I noticed the thing standing behind me.

"Oh, I did it." I saw the full body of my stand, protectively standing behind me with her fist in the air. It seems I actually got some help with that punch.

"You bitch, I'll kill you!" He was still alive, unfortunately. I didn't want to kill him, but I was also too scared to not do anything. I got up and was about to punch him again, when I stopped in my tracks. Marco, too, had a stand which he summoned from behind him. This one was way more muscular and seemed like it could squish me by just stepping on me. "This, my sweet Y/N, is my stand Satellite. It allows me to track whoever I desire and leaves quite a punch on my opponent."

"So that's how you found me then?" I asked, and quickly loosened the rope around my ankles. My nameless stand was still visible, so I assumed I was doing something right, but I also knew I wouldn't be able to depend on it entirely. I took a quick look at the room. In the opposite corner of Marco was a table with a knife on it. If I could just grab that, I'd be safe. He seemed to have noticed my plan, though, and went for it immediately.

Both of us ran towards it, trying to be the first one to reach it. While my wrists and ankles were bruised, he was still the one at a disadvantage with a bleeding head. I didn't intend for him to hit it that hard, but I suppose this works too. I passed him with ease and grabbed the knife, then turned around to face him. He was within a meter of me, but I pushed the knife into him as hard as I could with the help of my stand. He stumbled backwards and pulled out the knife, causing the blood to pour out of his wound.

"That's not very smart of you, Marco." I said and walked towards him. For the first time, he had genuine fear in his eyes, mixed with some anger. I wasn't going to let him take me down this time, so I did what I just intuitively felt was right. I focused my energy on my stand, and punched the shit out of him. He tried to use Satellite to punch back, but he had no chance to do so before flying out the window.

"Y/N, YOU-" He landed on the ground with a thud and I walked over to see him on the ground, covered in a pool of blood. We had apparently been on the third floor of an abandoned house somewhere. His messed up face looked back at me, and I could only stare at his lifeless body, accepting the fact that I caused that.



I had left the building and begun walking towards the center of Naples. The building was located on a rather remote street, so I figured I'd be fine if I just found my way to the main street again. As I was walking, I felt my body ache at every step. Normally, I'd complain and whine about it, but I didn't have time for that now. It was getting dark outside, and I didn't know where I was yet.

As I was walking, I thought about how everyone had names for their stands. I kinda wanted to name mine too, but I decided to wait until I knew what she could do besides beating horrible exes to death. I was thinking deeply about different names when I heard multiple people running towards me. I turned around, bringing out my stand to be on the safe side, when I saw Abbachio, Giorno and Trish running up to me.

"Y/N!" Trish called out as she ran up to me and held me in a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around her, almost reluctant to let go. I wanted to cry at the comfort of seeing them, but the tears didn't really want to leave my eyes just yet.

"Y/N, what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Giorno questioned and tried to see if I had any wounds. I began explaining what happened to them, about the kidnapping, the arrow, Marco, my stand. They listened intently while Trish held my hand.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Y/N... We've been so worried! Especially Narancia, he was the one who forced us out to look for you." I smiled at the thought of him, of the comfort he brought me. The next time I saw him, I'd hug him for sure.

"Something is different." Abbachio said, and pointed at my face. "You look different." I was a bit shocked at his words.

"I suppose... maybe I am? Maybe I am different now?" We began walking towards a car they had parked nearby and drove us all home.

No matter what, I think I'd always call these people home.


Okay first of all, I HAD to add an 'arrivederci', secondly, sorry for no Narancia but Y/N felt like she needed a bit of a boost to actually get a bit stronger. Ofc I'll upgrade her stand a bit later on, but for now this is an introduction to it. I have a pretty solid idea for next chapter too, so dw y'all 😌


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