♡ 12. Drunken Tales ♡

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I have just spent 10 hours devouring a Bucciarati x reader fanfic, and I haven't even finished it yet 💀 But I'm taking a break to write this cuz I wanna get somewhere with it Cuz ideaasssss.


The drive back home was quiet. We didn't say anything to each other, but it was clear that the tension floated around in the air. I've wanted to kiss him for so long, and it seems he wanted it too, so why can't I just bring it up to talk about it? It seriously can't be that hard...

"We, uh, we're back." Narancia said and exited the car. I followed his movements and did the same. Since we had gone in a different direction than the rest, they were already home. Giorno met us at the door.

"Finally! Where have you two been? We though you'd been lost or something..." His voice trailed off at the end, but he wasn't acting like himself at all. Was he... drunk?

"Y/N~" Trish called out from behind him. She leaned on him, seemingly a little dizzy.

"Are you all... drunk?" I asked. I could feel Narancia's eyes from the side.

"Drunk? You're telling me they just got home and went straight to drinking?" His confusion matched mine. Trish handed me a glass of something.

"Come on, Y/N~ It's so good!" I sipped some of it before fully stepping inside the house. I noticed the others in the living room, all of them a glass of champagne in their hands except for Abbachio. He had a large glass of red wine.

"Narancia!" Mista threw himself up from his spot and wobbly made his way over to us. "Did you tell her? Did you?"

"Tell me what?" I questioned and saw the stare Narancia was giving him. His face was flushed and his jaw was tense.

"That he's in love with you!" He blurted out. I felt my heart flutter. "That guy, man, he won't shut up about you! He's all 'Y/N this' and 'Y/N that'. It's getting annoying... It's always about how pretty you are, or how he wants to kiss you and hug you... Once, he even said he wanted to-"

"MISTA, YOU ASSHOLE YOU BETTER SHUT UP." Narancia punched his stomach and stormed off to his room, slamming the door behind him. My body ached at his actions, I wanted to follow him and make sure he was okay, but Trish made sure I stayed with them.

"Ignore him... He's just a little upset... Here, have some more drinks!" She gave me another glass of champagne but I only finished the first one. I wasn't the best at dealing with alcohol, so I settled on this for now.

My mind got slightly foggy as I watched everyone joke around and laugh. It was nice seeing everyone so happy, but something worried me. First of all, had they even hid the arrow? Secondly, where did they get all of this alcohol from? My body began swaying and I dropped my glass, causing it to shatter on the ground. Fugo was the only one who noticed, and made his way over to me. I had to grab the counter behind me for support.

"Fu- Fugo... Something is wrong... Where did this alcohol come from?" He glanced over at me, judging by his expression, he was definitely affected too.

"Bucciarati and Abbachio were the first to get here, so I don't know... But I agree, something is wrong." I had to try to think clearly, but in this state, there's no way I would be able to do anything. My arm grazed against Fugo as I made my way over to the stairs outside the room. Narancia hadn't had anything to drink, right? If I just made my way to him, I could explain. I looked up to the next floor, the staircase seemed to be longer than usual. I took one step at the time, leaning on the railing for support. Then another, and another. Halfway up the stairs, I had to catch my breath. My eyes weren't as clear as they usually were, and I wasn't sure if I'd lose more senses.

"Narancia!" I called out, in hopes he'd hear. If only he got to the staircase, maybe he could help me. My knees fell to the ground, and I my hands grip on the railing were starting to loosen. Someone had probably spiked the drinks...

Before I could call out to him again, I felt a pair of arms slip around my waist helping me up. I leaned on them, and judging by the height, I assumed it was Narancia.

"Y/N? What's going on, are you okay? Did you have too much to drink?" He questioned.

"Uh, ya- Fugo... Drinks..." I tried to explain but my words didn't make any sense. My mind was telling my mouth to talk, but my lips would only touch each other repeatedly, causing me to sound like a toddler trying to say their first actually sentence.

"It's okay, don't worry." He put his left arm under my knees, and his right on my back, lifting me up. His grip around me wasn't tight, only tight enough to not drop me. "I'll have you stay in my room, okay? I want to keep an eye on you for now." I could simply nod at his words, implying that I at least understood him.

He carried me into his room and let me down on his bed. The soft sheets made themselves known against my bare legs. My vision was still blurry, but I felt a hand gently stroke my hair. I wanted to warn Narancia, and tell him what was going on, but my body gave in to the softness of the bed, and the kind touch of his hands.

"I don't know if you can hear me right now, but tomorrow, how about we talk? I... I know I'm not the best at, you know, feelings... or romantic stuff... or anything like that... But I promise I'll try if you'd let me!" His words made me smile, and I felt the weight on his side of the bed shift as he leaned over me slightly. His hand still rested on my head, but it had stopped as he gave me a small kiss on the forehead. The other hand removed a small strand of hair from my face. "You're so pretty, and so kind, I don't want anything to hurt you..." His voice disappeared as I somehow managed to fall asleep.


I woke up to a loud explosion. My body flew up due to reflexes and I looked around the room. Narancia was gone, but I could still hear the sound coming from downstairs. My senses had mostly come back, so I ran down the staircase and glanced over the living room. Everyone had passed out, and I noticed the sun was rising through one of the windows. I ran out the backdoor, looking for the source of the sound.

The explosives had stopped, so I assumed whatever it was had stopped attacking. But there was no sign of Narancia. I glanced over at a few chairs on the patio. They were filled with holes. Presumably caused by Aerosmith... Narancia must have fought something outside, but they were gone now. I ran around the house, desperately looking for any signs. Unfortunately, nothing could be found. I even searched the entire house, but to no avail. He was nowhere to be found.

As I enter the living room, Bucciarati sat on a chair with a hand on his head.

"Y/N... the drinks... they were-"

"Yeah, someone drugged us. Narancia is missing, where's the arrow?" Bucciarati averted his eyes, almost shamefully.

"I put it in the safe, but the entire thing is missing..."

"You're telling me someone stole the entire safe just for that arrow?!" He looked back at me now.

"The arrow grants people stands. Those who know about it will do anything to get their hands on it... Now, if you don't mind." He pointed towards the others. "We need to get everyone back on their feet so we can find it."

"And Narancia." I added. "We need to find him too."


After reading chapters with 10k words, this felt shitty and short. I've realized my chapters are rushed and not very well thought through. I'll be working on that :) Both on this story and on future ones. I'm thinking a lot ab what character I'll write ab next too...


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