♡ 3. work ♡

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"Here it is! I'm sure you'll love it!" Narancia said and pointed at the large building. It was a fancy mansion with a large, beautiful garden and decorations on the entire house.

"Does all of you live here?!" I exclaimed. My jaw had dropped, this was incredible.

"Yeah! Each of us has our own room, but you'll share with Trish." I didn't mind sharing, in fact it'd be fun. Something about this whole experience made me feel like exciting things were about to happen. All of us entered the house. It almost felt larger on the inside, probably due to the height and depth of it.

"Y/N, I'll show you our room." Trish said and smiled at me. I followed her to the next floor, into a long corridor with a bunch of doors. Each door we walked by had different names on them, telling me exactly which room belonged to who.

"In here." She opened a door to reveal a large, pinkish room with a king-sized bed in the middle. "I hope you don't mind sharing a bed with me for a while."

"Don't worry! I don't mind at all. I hope It's okay that I'll be staying here for a while."

"Of course! It'll be nice to have another girl in the house for once." She winked at me, and I figured this meant a lot of girl talk coming up. "Either way, we should head back downstairs."

Narancia's POV:

"So you're telling me you just met her at that random bakery you go to all the time?" Mista asked me. "Doesn't seem that romantic..."

"Shut up! She's just a friend I made, that's all." I hadn't thought much of it when she entered the bakery yesterday, but her ill-mannered comment towards that man impressed me. When she left, I figured I could at least make sure she left with some food, so I bought the thing she had been eyeing the whole time. A piece of Tiramisu. I'm not the sharpest tool in the box, but I did know stuff about food.

"Mista, stop teasing Narancia." Bucciarati said as he entered the kitchen.

"Come on, don't tell me you haven't noticed that he's already taken a liking to her!" Bucciarati stayed quiet. I picked up a fork and pointed it at Mista.

"Shut it! One more word and I'll stab you!" Just as I was about to throw the fork at his face, Y/N and Trish entered the room.

Y/N's POV:

"Narancia? Is everything okay?" He stood on a table with a fork in his hand, directed at Mista who sat on a chair with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, Narancia, is everything okay?" The tone on Mista's voice indicated they'd had some sort of conflict where he had the upper hand.

"Yeah... I'm fine." He put the fork down and walked over to me. "Do you like the house?"

"Yes! I love it! It's so beautiful. It must be so expensive! How can you afford such a house? Isn't it expensive? Who owns it? What does all of you work with?" I realized I was rambling on... again. "I'm sorry! Sometimes I get excited and I just can't shut up."

"No worries, Y/N. To answer your questions, I'm paying for the house, but Giorno is technically the owner. As for the prize, you shouldn't worry about it. I also can't tell you what we work with, as it's confidential, but just know some us will be gone from time to time." Bucciarati calmly answered all of my questions. He didn't seem bothered by my excitement at all.

"Oh! I see, but how is Giorno the owner if he's only 15?" I shouldn't ask more, but I was curious.

"That's also a bit complicated, but it's work-related." He smiled at me, before excusing himself and leaving the room.

"So, Y/N..." Mista began, but he didn't get to finish the sentence before Narancia had picked up the fork and stabbed him in the cheek.

"Ignore him, he's annoying." I chuckled at his action, which seemed to shock him a bit. Narancia was kind off cute when he was annoyed.


At dinner, everyone asked me questions about why I'm in Italy and why I dated Marco. I answered them all, except for the question about why my parents threw my out. I figured I could leave it unanswered for now. After all, I hadn't even known them for a day. I glanced over at Narancia who was staring at Mista. They seemed to be silently arguing about something, like earlier.

After everyone had finished up, we all did our own thing for a while. Trish and I walked up to her room to talk and get to know each other.

"So, you somehow, for some reason, live in a house full of boys. I know I can't ask about your work, but you can't tell me you're not interested in at least one of them!" I was so curious to know more about all of them, especially if she liked someone!

"Well, Bucciarati and Abbachio are 20 and 21, so they're too old for me. Besides, I've seen them sneaking around together late at night... But you can't tell anyone I told you!"

"Oh, so you think they have a thing going on?" This was already getting extremely interesting.

"Yeah, they definitely do. Mista is 18, so he's a little too old for me too. He's also too much of a womanizer at times."

"I can kinda see that. Uh- What about Narancia...?" I felt my face heat up slightly when I thought about it. Does Trish like him? They talked a lot at dinner... I mean that'd be great! Right? They'd be great together...

"No way! He's too much for me!" I felt relieved for some reason, but I went with it. "But you know... He's the same age as you, and he saved you earlier today..." Trish had a smirk appear on her face.

"Wha- No. He was just being nice, that's all..."

"Mhm... is that why you're blushing?" She was right, I felt my face get red. Damn.

"I'm not blushing... Also, you haven't talked about Fugo and Giorno yet. You know, the two men who pretty much are the same age as you?" I redirected the conversation away from me, which seemed to work as she started blushing too. I gasped when I realized. "You like one of them!" She put her hands over my mouth.

"Shh... Not so loud!!" I giggled at her reaction and pulled her hands down.

"So, who is it?" I asked, now very intrigued by this. She averted her gaze.

"It's... It's, uhm, Giorno..." I smiled widely now.

"What's the story about it? Are you two close? How did you start liking him? I want to hear it all!"

"W-Well it's a bit related to our missions, so I can't really tell you about everything, but we are pretty close." Missions? Well, she seemed pretty happy when she talked about him. Perhaps I'd be playing matchmaker, just for the fun of it.

We kept talking until late at night when we snuggled into bed. We said goodnight and turned off the lights, but after a while, she spoke up.

"You should get to know Narancia better, you seem to have a lot in common." I didn't respond. I think I actually pretended to be asleep, which she must have eventually assumed too as I heard her drift off a few minutes later.

Perhaps I should get to know Narancia? He's so sweet towards me, I definitely think we could be good friends. Though, I'm curious about what these people work with. Could it be something dangerous? They have missions, they're very secretive about it and they can afford this huge mansion. There's definitely something weird going on and I'm gonna find out what it is. I'll have to be careful. For all I know, they could be part of the mafia. I almost laughed at the thought.

The mafia? That's ridiculous.


Heyyy besties this chapter was a little bit boring but it's needed sorryyy xx


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