♡ 5. NOT a date... right? ♡

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Narancia told Bucciarati that we'd be out for the day, which caused us the trouble of grocery shopping for the team while we were out. I figured it was no big deal, but Narancia begged to differ.

"Why do we have to do the boring stuff??" He had a slight pout on his lips, acting like a disobeying child.

"Because you're going out anyway." Bucciarati seemed tired of Narancia's patience, and I figured I'd let them deal with this on their own. I walked outside and I waited by the car. As I was about to lean on it, I heard the door open from behind me.

"Narancia, are you ready to g- Oh, it's you." Mista stepped outside and walked over to me. Something about how he was acting felt off.

"So, you two going on a date or what?" He had a large grin on his face. Most of the times I had seen Mista, he either had a large smirk painted on, or he seemed like he was in grave distress.

"It's not a date! Wha- Why would you think that?" I failed miserably at hiding the panic in my voice.

"Mhm... So you don't want it to be a date, even?" I tried to get some words out, but it'd just end up in a stutter. Mista took this as a sign he was right. Was he right, though? Did I want this to-

"Sorry I took so long! What- Mista, what are you doing here?" Narancia had finished up with Bucciarati and joined us outside now.

"Nothing~" Mista left just as fast as he came. Narancia glanced over at me, but I just shrugged. I genuinely didn't know what went on in his head.

"Let's get going." Narancia stepped into the driver's seat and I sat on the passenger side.

"So, what I wanted to talk to you about..." I began, a bit unsure on how to word it. "Have you noticed the way Trish and Giorno act around each other, like, they seem to be very interested in each other?" Narancia was quiet for a moment, deep in thought.

"Trish and Giorno, huh? Nope." I internally facepalmed at his answer. A+ for effort, right?

"Ah- Well... They stare at each other all the time, and Trish mentioned Giorno a lot. I figured I should try to get them together. What do you think?" I looked at Narancia as he drove. He wasn't a very serious person, but his driving was surprisingly good, and he kept a close eye on the road.

"Oh! So you want my help to play matchmaker? I'm in!" I smiled at his words. "Do you have a plan?" He asked.

"No, not yet. I don't know a lot about any of them, so I can't really come up with anything. That's why I wanted to ask you about it." Narancia nodded in response.

"Let's make a deal, I help you with this, and you help me piss off Fugo." I giggled a bit at his offer.

"Do you have something against him or something?"

"Yeah... He makes me do math! Then, when I mess up because I don't understand, he stabs me with a fork!" I laughed at how he explained it. Fugo didn't seem like such an aggressive person, but I suppose I could be wrong.

"Alright, deal."


Once we got back to the street where I last saw Marco, we decided to look for a grocery store.

"There should be one somewhere." Narancia said, mostly to himself, as he took a look around. The street was filled with people today, so we got squished together while trying not lose each other in the crowd. His right arm brushed against my left one multiple times, and I couldn't help but take notice to how warm he was. That's when I noticed the Café with all the cakes again. I subconsciously grabbed his arm and dragged him off to the side with me.

《Everything I need》Narancia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now