♡ 10. Math ♡

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"-this. Got it?" Fugo had offered to help me with math too. I was way ahead of Narancia but I wasn't necessarily good at it either. What didn't help was that he was really mean when I didn't understand.

"Uh- I think so, yeah?" I had snuck out of Narancia's room early this morning. I never returned to Trish's room, but she's not really an early bird so I assumed she hadn't noticed. Narancia hadn't let go of me a single time through this whole night, so leaving wasn't the easiest. Partly because he wouldn't let me go, but also because I didn't want to leave.

"Y/N? Are you even listening?!"

"What? Yeah, yeah, of course..." I glanced down on the paper in front of me. I had to work with numbers that were slightly harder than those Narancia worked with. I wrote the answer down on the paper and handed it to Fugo. He looked at it for a few seconds before staring at me and stabbing my hand with a fork. "OUCH! WHAT THE HELL FUGO?!"


"What are you doing?" Fugo and I both turned to the voice. Narancia was standing by the entrance of the room, glaring at Fugo, then at the fork in my hand.

"Teaching her math."

"You're not teaching me! You're just expecting me to know the answer, and when I don't, you beat me up!" Narancia looked at Fugo before heading into the kitchen. I heard a bunch of sounds that concerned me about what state the kitchen would be left in. Unfortunately, I still had a fork in my hand, so I couldn't worry too much about it. After a few minutes, Narancia walked out the kitchen with two cups of coffee and a large grin on his face. He put one down in front of me and one in front of Fugo before carefully pulling out the fork from my hand.

"What's this? Since when do you make coffee?" My tutor was already suspicious of this, and rightfully so.

"Since you're clearly working so hard, I decided to make it for you. Y/N, you'll try and show him it's safe, right?" He asked and winked at me. He was clearly holding back his laughter, but I played along and tried it. While it was a bit bitter, it did taste like coffee.

"Tastes fine to me." I smiled at Fugo who picked up his cup and brought it to his lips. He drank quite a bit before spitting it out all over me.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT. YOU POURED SALT IN MINE!" Both Narancia and I burst out laughing at his reaction, but I didn't take me long to remember that I was covered in Fugo's half drunken coffee.

"As much as I'd like to continue, Fugo, I'll have to take a shower now." I walked past Narancia and smacked him lightly on the back of his head, but he just smiled at me. I headed to the bathroom upstairs and locked the door behind me. I took a quick shower to get all the coffee off, luckily it had mostly ended up on my dress.

After the shower I wrapped a towel around my body. I couldn't put on the same clothes again, so I'd have to sneak into Trish's room to get my other dress.

...My other... dress...

My other dress that was in the laundry...

I was standing in the middle of the corridor where everyone's rooms were. I had no clothes to wear. Shit. Either way, I'd figure it out if I could just walk past the stairs to get to her room. Unlucky as I am, Narancia got up the last step just as I was standing there. He noticed me right away and just stared at me.

"Oh." His face got red and looked away. "I PROMISE I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!" Yeah, because you eyeing my body wrapped in a towel meant you didn't see anything.

"It's fine, don't worry." I smiled and hurried past him, closing the door to Trish's room as I had entered. My heart was beating again. This time, even harder. Why does it keep doing that?

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