♡ 16. Revenge ♡

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The building seemed abandoned, not too different from the place I was held captive when I got kidnapped. Narancia had wandered in there before I could stop him, so all I really could do was follow behind.

"Nara?" I whisper-yelled. "Are you there?" I felt a hand grab my arm lightly, pulling me towards them. It was pretty dark, but light enough for me to see his face.

"You shouldn't have followed me in here." His voice didn't hold any anger, so I'd definitely say he was somewhat relieved that I actually did follow him. I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around one of his.

"You shouldn't have gone in here on your own, so I suppose we're both kind of stupid. Now let's find this son of a bitch!" Narancia's face lit up at my words.

"Yeah! Let's kill him already. I don't want him to lay a single finger on you ever again." My cheeks heated up with color and I followed as he used Aerosmith, leading the way up the stairs. It was a fairly large house, but it wouldn't take us long to find him.


We had just gotten up the stairs and walked a meter or so when we heard something behind us. Both of us jumped at the sound and turned around. The corridor we were in didn't have any natural light except for the tiny pieces of sunshine that came from downstairs. All we really could see was that there was a man standing extremely close to us. Narancia grabbed my hand and stepped in front of me.

"It's him, I know it. Stay back, Y/N." This time, he was angry. Extremely angry. Kind of in this serious way that I wouldn't expect Narancia to be.

"You're one stubborn fucker if you didn't die from the beating." Marco's words were directed at Narancia. The memories of his bloody body weren't really doing me any good in this situation.

"You're one to talk. Let me finish this up quickly so I can leave already..." Narancia let out an exaggerated sigh, getting on Marco's nerves. I heard footsteps nearby, so I turned my head to the side, only for a second to see what it was. Nothing. Though, when I turned back I was witnessing something completely different. Marco had his hands around Narancia's neck, twisting and turning. I instinctively stepped back.

"Narancia!" I noticed Nara shoving his hands in his pocket, panicking as he was looking for something. He wasn't getting any air, so he couldn't put his focus on Aerosmith. Wait, was he looking for his pocket knife? The one the lady had taken when he got kidnapped? I stuck my hand inside the pocket of my pants and felt the object laying there. When did I grab it? Was I so mad at that woman that I forgot I had taken it? Either way, I needed to give it to Nara.

Narancia's POV:

Y/N was looking for something in her pocket as Marco's grip tightened around my neck. The air was getting thinner, but I managed to give him a hard kick on his leg. His grip loosened a bit, but only for a few seconds before it tightened again. Y/N looked back at me, meeting my eyes as she showed me something. It was my pocket knife! The one I had been looking for! I reached out my hand as she threw it over to me. I pressed it and swung the blade towards Marco's throat, causing him to filly let go of me. Blood poured from his throat as I ran back to Y/N. Unfortunately I wasn't fast enough, because his stand had already grabbed her. He wasn't harming her, but he was scaring her. I wasn't going to let anyone scare her.

I used Aerosmith to shoot holes in Marco. I made sure every inch of him would be covered with holes for causing her to ever feel scared. His body stumbled backwards as he rolled down the stairs. I walked over to the top, seeing Giorno standing by the barely alive Marco. We gave each other a nod, signaling that he'd take over from there as I took back Aerosmith and headed over to Y/N. She was physically fine, but I was so worried about her.

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