♡ 6. Do you hate me? ♡

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I woke up surrounded by bright lights and the sound of a beeping heart monitor. At some point I had passed out and ended up here. I reached my hand down to my wound and noticed I had gotten stitches and bandages wrapped around me. A nurse entered the room.

"Hello, Ms. L/N. How are you feeling?" she looked pretty young, but she seemed nice.

"Better, I think. How long was I out?"

"A few hours." She said and pointed to the window. The sun was setting outside and I had a perfect view of the sunset.

"Oh... Narancia! Where's Narancia?!" The nurse smiled at me.

"If you mean the boy who carried you in here, he's asleep in the corner over there." She pointed to a chair in the corner where Narancia was sleeping. His head rested on the wall behind him, and he looked very peaceful.

"Thank god... Wait, did you say he carried me?" The nurse giggled at my question.

"Yeah, and he refused to let anyone touch you unless he knew what they would be doing. Eventually we got him to leave you with us. He seems to care a lot about you." Narancia's thoughtfulness made me feel so happy. He was so sweet towards me for absolutely no reason.

"I'm sure he's just being nice, but thank you." I gave her a smile and she went to get some papers so I could get discharged later that night. When she closed the door behind her, I heard vague humming coming from the corner. Narancia's previously peaceful expression had changed into something else. He looked uncomfortable, maybe he was having a bad dream?

"Narancia." I called out, not too loud. He didn't wake up, so I tried again. Just a little bit louder. "Narancia!" He woke up immediately and looked around, as if he was ready for anything.

"Huh? What? OH! Y/N, you're up! How are you feeling?" He rushed over to me and looked at my wound.

"Much better, thanks. Were you having a bad dream? You looked uncomfortable while you slept." He looked away, almost as if he was embarrassed.

"Yeah, uh... I- I have night terrors. Like, a lot." My heart sank at his words. The usually happy and caring Narancia had night terrors?

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know. Is there any particular reason? I probably shouldn't ask about it, but if there's anything I can do, tell me." He looked back at me and smiled.

"Don't worry, it's something that happened a while ago. But Y/N... I have to ask you a very important question. Do you remember what cut you?" I thought back to the man and the arrow. He was so scary...

"Yeah... It was a really scary man who had an arro-"

"An arrow?" He had that serious expression again. Though, his voice wasn't as soft this time.

"S-Sorry, did I say something wrong?" He put his hand on mine and his face softened.

"No... Don't worry about it. I'll just have to talk to the others about this." He said happily, but I noticed something was worrying him. Something bad.


After I got discharged, Narancia drove us home. We had been out all day so he had called Bucciarati before we left to let him know what had happened. I still couldn't shake the feeling of worry. Why did his face change into that expression when I told him about the arrow?

"Y/N, when we get home..." He broke the silence. "We have to talk about something. Well, I'm pretty sure I won't be the one to talk that much, but you'll understand soon enough, okay?"

"Okay..." A part of me didn't really like this serious Narancia. It felt like I had done something wrong. Everytime I had seen him, he was so cheerful, but now...

《Everything I need》Narancia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now