(Chouzetsu/ Turbo) Popular Shu Kurenai x Shy Reader

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Requested: kpopbts959

Thanks for the request and sorry for publish very lately. I was making this and be off this app. And hope you don't mind that I made it short.

Type of this story:
(☁️ + ❤)


(You POV)

"C'mon, bestie!! I know you can do it and confess with the popular guy!!" One of my best friend said. I closed my face with my both hands.

"No, I can't! What if he reject me?" I blushed very hard and said very lowly.

Oh, by the way. My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm a shyness person. I didn't like to talk with someone or stranger, except for my best friend, (F/N). She's the only one that I trust.

"Oh, c'mon. No one will reject a shy person like you. I'm sure you can." I sighed at her.

"Easy for you to say. Y'know he don't like a fangirls whenever they tried to confess their feelings for him. He then rejected them." She hummed.

"I know you can, (Y/N). Trust me, you will never get reject because of your behaviour." I smiled at her as I hugged (F/N).

"Thank you, (F/N). You're the best." She chuckled.

"No problem, bestie." I broke the hug as she waved at me and left. I waved at her back.

"I hope so..."
At Raging Bull

I was training with my partner at the training centre all alone. I'm not very good with someone because I being too shy.

Oh yeah. I become blader since I was little and joined in this team before a person become the new owner.

While I training, I heard many girls were shrieking and squeling from the lobby because a popular guy was came to the lobby.

It was none other than Shu Kurenai. Most people know him since he become a legendary. He somehow very serious on beyblade and very strong one.

And that's why he become a popular and had many fangirls. Shu feel uncomfortable when they were around him.

I ignore it and focus on my beyblade.


(Shu POV)

*sighed* Another day, many fangirls were came to me and confess. I reject them and pushed them away.

"Shu!! Please, be your girlfriend!!"

"Wanna come for a date, Shu-senpai?!!"

"Shu-senpai, I'm way better than them!!"

Those fangirls, they kinda annoying to me. I can't even concentrate on my beyblade last time.Then, I pushed them away and said... 

"Please, everyone!! Don't get in my way! I had work to do." I walked off and passed by the fangirls.

I sighed in relieved. I was on my way to the office until....I saw a female blader was beyblading at the training centre all by herself.

She's very focus and somehow very quite. If I correct, that girl name is (Y/N) (L/N).

She is the strongest blader in this team and a shy person. Her family was working at the seaside and lived in (country name). She become a blader because she want to prove them that she wasn't weak.

She was very different than those crazy fangirls. Then, I saw her stopped training as I went to her and greet.

"Hello, you must be (Y/N), right?" She glanced at me with a shy look. She nodded slowly and blushed. How cute.

"Y-Yeah, t-that's m-me." I smiled at her, came closer to her. Her face more redden.

"(Y/N), can I talk to you right now?"

"Umm...sure. What is it?" Me and (Y/N) sat on the bench as I get closer to her.

"(Y/N), what do you think of me?" She stared at me with a shocked.

"I....I-I d-don't k-know. W-We j-just met."

"I know, just tell me. Don't be shy." I get closer to her face. She blushed as tomato. She quickly get up and said.

"I-I'm sorry, but...I-I had to go!" With that, she ran off. I was abput to chase her.

"Wait, (Y/N)!" She's now gone from my sight. She must be really shy, or it's because I'm a popular who always reject to the other female.

But for me, she's not one of those fangirls. She was just shy. Maybe I can talk with her next time.
With you, at your dorm

(You POV)

"WHAAT!?? YOU WERE TALKING WITH SHU KURENAI EARLIER!?" My best friend screamed on my phone. I nodded, I was on video message with her and told her that I talked with him.

"Yeah, but.......I was ran away because-"

"What?! Why're you running away from him? He just want to talk with you." I sighed.

"I know, I just being to shy and don't know what I'm going to say. He asked me what do I think about him." I groaned softly. She hummed on my video call.

"(Y/N), I know what you were talking about, but you must be act of confident, ok." I smiled at her.

"I will, thanks (F/N). Good night."

"You're welcome and good night!<3" I ended the call and put my phone at the nightstand as I sleep with a blanket.
The next day...

(No POV)

A (h/c) haired female person was sitting on the bench at the lobby for waiting to someone.

As she waited, a certain albino male saw her at the bench. He smiled as he walked to her and sat beside her.

"Hey, (Y/N)." She glanced at him and smiled at him back.

"H-Hey, S-Shu."

"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine. And also...."

"Hmm?" She takes a deep breathe and ready to talk about yesterday.

"I-I'm sorry that I ran away from you because I was too shy and afraid to say about you." Shu awed at her and grinned.

"Oh, it's that so." She nodded. He then hugged her, her face was blushing.

"It's ok, I know you were too nervous yesterday and now.....want to talk about it." He broke the hugged as (Y/N) nodded.

"Yeah, about that....you were amazing, cool and h-h-h-handsome person in this place." He smirked.

"That's good to hear and for me......you're very cute and shyness person blader." Her face become O////////O. He chuckled.

"So cute." She pouted as she calmed her down from blushing.

"Thanks, but what about the fangirls? They might be hate me if they saw us like we were couple." He embraced her.

"Don't worry. Let them know and also....we're not couple.....yet." He said and the last part was mumbled so (Y/N) can't hear it.

"O-Ok..." Shu smiled.

"So, wanna go to eat or something?" She stared at him and smiled.

"I would love too."


Me: Done.....*coughed very bad*

Shu: Oh my, Shira. You need to rest.

Me: Yes, I know. I'm leaving. *left*

Shu: *sighed* *glanced at you a.k.a reader* Well, anyway. Thanks for reading this book, reader lovely. And also, Shira said this book request was closed because of her exam. Even though she was sick right now. Anyway, have a nice day/night. 😊

Words: 1194

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