Chapter 22

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Kaz wasn't home when Inej reached the Slat and she was thankful for a brief second before her anger consumed her. She let out a livid cry and before she realised what she was doing, she'd unsheathed her knife and flung it across the centre of the living room. Her aim was true as the knife handle protruded from the wall, denting the wall and surely leaving a mark but Inej didn't care at that moment.

She was filled with so much anger and a blinding rage she didn't think she was capable of feeling. She didn't think she could feel such powerful anger towards a person other than Tante Heleen but Mikhail ignited a whole new streak of violence in her.

She shouldn't have assumed Mikhail wouldn't have recognised her from the menagerie. After all, she had remembered him, even though it had been nearly three years. She shuddered in revulsion as she remembered Anya, the red-haired Kaelish girl, dragging a smirking Mikhail into her chambers. Any man who entered the menagerie disgusted Inej.

Except for Kaz, she reminded herself.

She felt frustrated and overwhelmed, hating that she was keeping secrets from Kaz but she had to. She didn't know which was worse; if Kaz found out she had recklessly confronted Pekka Rollins all those months ago, or that she had been secretly investigating Mikhail.

She was a spy, a one of a kind, and the best at her job. She was the Wraith, for Saints sake! And she could discern anybody's secret if and when she willed. Kaz knew that, she knew that, the whole of Ketterdam probably knew that. So why did it feel like something was off?

Inej had bits and pieces of information, little clues she had been collecting from everywhere since she remembered Mikhail those few weeks ago, and yet there was a crucial piece missing. And she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She felt rattled that Mikhail remembered her too and she was furious at herself for not being able to discern his actions or whatever he was planning.

And she was running out of time. The longer she kept secrets from Kaz, the more furious he would be when he found out. And he would find out. No matter how long it took, Kaz always found out everything, that is, if he didn't already know.

Inej took deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling for a full minute until she felt calm again. The murderous rage threatening to overwhelm her had simmered as she left the room, entering the kitchen to get a drink of water. She was too anxious to stay indoors and she wasn't ready to shadow Mikhail. Not yet.

She decided to go visit the Van Eck manor. The renovations were supposed to be finished in another four months, in time for when Wylan and Jesper returned from Ravka and Inej had offered to check up on the builders work progress. With nothing better to do, she silently slipped through the window and disappeared into the busy street.

It was a half hour ride to Wylan's countryside manor by carriage, but Inej opted to walk. She would have flitted soundlessly and effortlessly on rooftops if she had the cover of the night but it was just past mid afternoon and she didn't want to risk being seen. She figured the walk would do her good.

Inej slipped unseen through the gates, and remained hidden in the shade, quietly observing the workers as they carried about their work. The manor was coming along nicely and Inej anticipated when it would finally be done. She stepped out of the shadows and walked unhurriedly towards the front door. Mrs Delia, Wylan's housekeeper was very fond of her and ushered her in with a beaming smile. She insisted Inej stay for tea and freshly baked cookies. They chatted like old friends until Inej regretfully stood up to leave. There were still a few more hours of sunlight left and Inej decided to make one more stop.

She left the Van Eck manor, promising Mrs Delia she would visit again in a week or two. Mrs Delia insisted Inej bring that 'brooding, young man of hers' to which Inej raised her eyebrows and tried to suppress a smile.

Mrs Delia offered Inej a carriage or horse to take her back to the city but she declined. Where she was going, a carriage would draw too much attention, and she was too jittery to ride a horse. She made her way back on foot to Ketterdam, where she reached with no incident. She hesitated when she reached a small, shabby house in the outskirts of Ketterdam, suddenly unsure if she should knock or turn back while she still had a chance. But the door swung open before she could decide. A figure, hidden in a cloak and hood stared at her before gasping. 'Inej?'

'Anya?' She ventured uncertainty but Anya dropped her hood back and Inej exhaled in relief. It really was her! Anya's eyes darted left and right before grabbing Inej's arm and dragging her inside. She closed the door and bolted it. 'What are you doing here?' She demanded, hands on her hips as she surveyed Inej with an appraising eye.

Anya looked the same as she always had, long red hair, bewitching green eyes and freckles across her cheeks which she was constantly hiding. She was beautiful. Inej knew Anya wasn't much older than her, maybe only a few years but she was gazing at Inej with a motherly concern. Her voice became gentle as she wrapped her arms around Inej's slim frame.
'When you left the Menagerie with Kaz Brekker, of all people, I was sure we would never see you again! But look at you! You've never looked better!'

Inej closed her eyes, her body relaxing in Anya's embrace. It had been too long since she had been hugged and her body was greedy for affection. She clung to Anya for a few moments before saying 'I don't have much time. I need your help.' Anya raised her eyebrows. 'Me?' She asked incredulously with a half laugh then realised Inej was serious. She frowned slightly, lips pursing.

'What could I possibly help you with?' Inej sent a quick prayer to her Saints, praying that she wasn't making a mistake by confiding in Anya, but she was desperately running out of options. She looked straight at Anya and said strongly, 'I need you to tell me everything you know about Mikhail Ivanshov.'


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