World of Purple

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World of Purple

When my head finally touched the pillow
After a long busy day,
Sleep came like an angel below
The Moon near the bay.
The angel of sleep extended her hand
And I grasped it tight,
Walking barefoot with her on the sand
I finally got a look at the wide.

Welcome to the world of Purple
She whispered into my ear,
All other angles form a circle
Around me and offered a beer.
Queen of Purple on her throne
So elegant and sophisticated,
Promised a tour of Purple's every cone
And technologies that seemed backdated.

I couldn't refuse such an offer
For I'm a prisoner of the order,
The coachman four inches taller
Opened the door for the graceful boarder.
To the origin - Queen's command
We set off with a neigh,
Towards the heavenly land so grand
Filled with statues of clay.

Riding through the world of Purple
We finally reached the origin,
Moving aside branches of the jungle
We heard the crickets drummin'.
I looked at the picturesque landscape
Wide-eyed with amazement,
I'd never want to escape
Like I do in my basement.

I thanked the angle of sleep
For such a pleasant gift,
And promised to always keep
A purple dot on my wrist.
Then with Sun, day came along
Another busy day assumed,
But the purple remained strong
In the world with thunders boomed.

~ Disha Chakraborty


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