Chapter 17

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"What!?" Ino's scream nearly broke Shikamaru's hearing as he pulled away clamping his hands over his ears, who knew speaking about possible meddling in the alliance could unlock a new level in the woman's voice. Sai patted her heaving back as she recovered looking from Shikamaru to Naruto who also shared the same pose in protecting their ears from her, and just about everyone else in the room "You're telling me that we fought in this war for four years for no reason?"

"Ino lower your voice will you not everyone needs to know this right now" Shikamaru returned casting a weak glare at her furious downturned lips, Sai cautiously pulling his hand away from her back "I've already sent the letter to Lady Tsunade it's enough that we'll probably hear her screaming from Konoha" Naruto chuckled from beside him at the thought.

"Shikamaru how do you know they aren't lying?" Sakura crossed her arms, eyes suspicious of the sudden news, then again everyone seemed to be.

"We don't" he muttered fishing for his cigarettes as the others took the time to look among themselves, once he had found his lighter, he spoke "We still have no reason to fully trust a single word they say, but until Lady Tsunade gives us the ok we will further remain in our truce with them" He lit the end and puffed turning to Sai when he stepped past a fuming Ino to speak.

"Do you think it involves the Daimyo?"

"It could" he called lazily shutting his eyes thinking on it "It could be another village's doing, maybe even a conspiracy from either of our nations, maybe the Akatsuki" He half opened an eye when Naruto spoke.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they had something to do with it" Naruto crossed his arms deadly serious now.

"It's possible" Kakashi muttered to his side remaining thoughtful

"Either way we shouldn't spread it around the others right now, we need focus on the front" Neji to his left stepped forward when he spoke "When this is finished then the Kage can decide whether this alliance should last" Neji although spiteful about the idea remained even and controlled in his tone. Shikamaru nodded, agreeing with his third in command, choosing to remain quiet as they spread among themselves speaking about the matter at hand. It wasn't everyday his friends would be on the front like this, it was admittedly nice to know everyone would be fighting side by side tomorrow, Sand included.

One month ago

The Leaf units rushing behind him seemed to have slowed in pace at the haste their Commander had set for them, yet he never slowed keeping each step firm as if it's gain him more traction to jump through the trees. With the abrupt news that his two units have split and the other was now engaged in the Sand he had no choice but to push his first unit behind him to its limit to reach the second in time, the one with Naruto. Based on Ino's message things weren't looking good.

"Shikamaru slow down, we've got a few struggling to keep up" Choji somehow managed to make it to his side but only just as Shikamaru seemed to disregard him and rush faster mapping out the course and sticking to each step down to the second. He'd would have remained calmer had he not known the Sand's command would have changed her entire course of action, leave it to that woman to mess with the most uncommon path he predicted, the Leaf's spies simply fed with false information it seemed "Shikamaru" As if broken from his thoughts the second call to him name tuned his attention momentarily to Choji but not without a harsh tone behind his words.

"We don't have time right now; we need to get there as soon as we can" no reassurance promised to his friend who sighed.

"Easy for you to say, you're faster than us when it comes to running" Shikamaru smirked biting back a laugh as he eased his run but only just to force himself to remain calm during the ordeal.

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