Chapter 14

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The fragile tap of porcelain hitting the edge of a vibrant red saucer echoed in the quiet tent, the heat from the tea floating to the top to escape as steam. Delicate fingers reaching back to the scroll as Temari lifted the notes to her arm and read, small notes about supplies send from Suna, approval signed by her brother.

A faint grin graced her lips, gentle, at least she'll be able to come home soon to see Gaara, once again to be named a war hero, not that she really cared for the title. Suna would be safe, and her family could rest easy for a little while. Hopeful for once, she slid the scroll down her bare arm brushing her loose hair from her cheek and tucking it behind her ear, black silk gliding down her arm in her motion.

The painted words began merging into useless information, she'd read it all before, as usual supplies were short, yet somehow sake still managed to meet its demand. She almost groaned at the thought of another night of her army shouting out in song and praising one another on their well fought battles, mostly men who'd pass out a step from their tents. It amused her years ago but now she simply hid away in her tent when she wasn't needed, besides she'd always been too engaged in keeping the camps running smoothly more than celebrating.

One small victory meant nothing she was here for a war not a match. The same way could be said for her constant matches against the Leaf's commander, they fought against each other in an endless battle apparently each one leading to more interesting results. Back on the ledge she lingered more and more throughout the day, almost like some schoolgirl fawning over her first crush, her first kiss. Both annoying her and intriguing her to no end it seemed, she wouldn't mind it happening again, and if she wanted to badly enough, she'd make it happened. Biting her lip at the thought she held back the smile then sighed, wishful thinking on her part.

The distant hustle of Sand shinobi calling out brought her attention back, hearing faint mentions of the Leaf's unit arriving. Already time for her next match it seemed, with a smirk she continued her scan of her scroll picking bits and pieces from the voices outside, faint whispered of the enemy entering camp or someone shouting to hide the sake, to a familiar pair of gasps shuffling before her tent.

"Lady Temari the Leaf shinobi are here" Matsuri called in before gasping and rushing away from the tent Yukata squealing as she was dragged after her. With a sigh she shut her eyes, composing herself, rolling the scroll closed as the crumble of the rocks grew closer outside before standing.


Age 12

A small white box held before her in the shaking arms of a boy. Temari blinked quietly glancing from the red ribbon tied on the top to the boy sandy colored head tilted down, away from her eyes, holding it before her, his stance set in a tight low bow, eyes clenched. The boy, Saku if she remembered right, a village boy who seemed to always look at her all the time. She remembered vaguely how he'd look at her every chance he got and blush when she turned his way, but he wasn't the first.

As the Kazekages daughter she was well known throughout Suna, and very few disregarded her presence, some feared the Kazekage's family others worshipped over them as if they were some kind of gods, she always found that one a bit farfetched. The boys her age either fawned over her or feared her and she'd ignore the teasing in between, she'd grown used to anyways. Very few braved to speak to her from fear of her brother, the Shukaku Demon, and she didn't quite mind their hesitance, after all they weren't the only one who feared Gaara.

"For you Lady Temari" She bit back a smirk at his nervous offer, it was kinda funny after all, even the brave ones stuttered, they were always too shy to walk up to speak let alone offer a gift to her.

"Saku right?" He lifted his head from his bow green eyes widened and nodded hastily "Thanks, that's very nice of you" She reached over taking the box and offering a tight closed smile, friendly enough but not one for a longer conversation. Though she offered a kind smile and bowed her head to him he still shook and nodded rubbing his arm nervously, before turning away and walking off in a rush. With a sigh after he had left, she looked over at the corner of a building eyes narrowing "Alright come out Kankuro" She heard an annoyed groan and her brother pulling away from the wall towards her, having been caught.

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