Chapter 20

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One years ago
What happened before Ino's POV

He should have fought back, he really should have tried harder at least, but the moment Temari insisted on tackling him he froze and let her, even he didn't predict she'd get this physical.

He knew the Sand unit would go after them when he and his team snuck in with the bombs to disrupt the suspected raid the Sand was planning on a nearby village, thankfully stopped by his unit before they reached the bridge into the town, just why did it have to be Temari to go after him and split him from Ino and Choji, that's right she never turned down the chance to challenge him, once that woman set her mind to something she didn't quit. Why did she insist on picking on him every time, she was worse than Ino when she got pissed. To add to his humiliation, she insisted on doing it in the worst way possible.

"Really it's like you didn't even try to fight back" Temari sighed crossing her arms no doubt disappointed at the Leaf commanders lack of interest in the fight. Her knees digging painfully into both his arms as she sat back on his chest, Shikamaru lying flat on his back under her, his color red and expression annoyed, possibly a bit embarrassed he'd been pinned down effortlessly by her, woman was stronger than he initially thought "it's insulting to turn down a challenge from your rival Shikamaru" She mocked glancing down at him with a crooked grin, pleased with herself, giving a new name for the feeling uncomfortable. Another note to add into the list of things Temari excelled at, she read his moves as he did hers, but this time his avoidance of battling was his downfall.

"You're the one who insisted on fighting me" he complained glaring back up at her, if he could shrink back into the ground he would have, the whole situation made him uneasy in every way possible. He avoided looking past her eyes as she loomed over him, teals capturing his as usual, it was harder to breath and not because she was sitting on him.

"Oh come on stop making excuses it's so unmanly" she scoffed and glanced up bringing a finger to her chin thoughtfully "you know you should really practice your hand to hand combat more, you're fast but not very good at dodging and you forgot to look behind you, always watch your back" his eyes narrowed tighter, to top off the situation, she was lecturing him like it was some kind of training session, adding to his humiliation at being taken down by her, she had just gotten to close to fast and he hesitated, he didn't know why but his nerves had gotten the best of him recently with her "you rely too much on your jutsu, it's becoming predictable and easy to avoid. Not very useful if someone's got your hands tied down now, is it?" she emphasized her point by shifting her weight on his arm forcing a sharp hiss at the ache.

"You're troublesome you know that?" he groaned and rolled his head back to scan the forest, where were Choji and Ino when you needed them, he hoped and dreaded their arrival, this would be a great conversation to have once they showed up, he thought sarcastically.

"Thanks" she chuckled lips pulling back into her infamous smirk, although still trapped under her, Temari leaned back enough for her knee to relieve some of the uncomfortable pressure to his sore arm, he would have been thankful for it had she not been readjusting as he spoke, unaware of her shift.

"Not a compliment" he muttered as he glanced back up at her, avoiding looking anywhere but her amused eyes, the effort to remain calm, suddenly becoming tougher as she leaned down towards him placing her hands at either side of his head, new level of discomfort unlocked, that being, her so close to his face.

"Taken down without even attempting to defend yourself, is it because I'm a woman?" she glared down forcing him to take interest in her ridicule.

"I figured I'd make it easier for you" he shot back hopeful to anger her off him, unfortunately she seemed ignorant of his efforts.

"I like a challenge, and you've been the only captain who's been worth battling against, so I'm not going to kill you just because its easy" she paused her eyes roaming down for a moment and back to his before smiling again, of course she'd enjoy embarrassing him even more. The mention of his worth would have boosted his ego, had she not been his enemy "not that you don't normally make it easy for me to have the upper hand"

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