Chapter 16

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Age 18

Lips pulling into a devious grin as Temari turned back to face the smug looking smile on the man's face. Kenji was it? The man dared to insult her authority, and even her presence among the shinobi of the front, because she was a woman. She can't say she was surprised some men were just pigs after all. Kankuro, standing to her side, didn't bother to flinch or say anything as he glared back at the man before letting out a huff, thinking this poor guy was going to get it, he knew what was coming and simply stayed quite as it not get in the way of his sister's wrath.

"Excuse me? Do you mind repeating that?" as sickly sweet as her voice could get, she pulled the man's attention with a soft glare.

"I said you are just a woman, you're to delicate to leading a squad, you're a Lady after all" Kenji chuckled taking a step forward, attempting to looks heroic in some way, Temari brightening her smile calmly silently mocking him with her eyes "Come on you've been here a week and want to order us men around" He scoffed obviously misinterpreting her innocent look.

"Have you forgotten who you're speaking with?" her tone lost all authority speaking as if she was a naïve newbie, setting the trap out nicely for him.

"of course not Lady Temari, but I would hate to see you hurt that's why I suggested you stay in the camp while we patrol" Kenji tried to sound chivalrous but mockery never left his tone.

"How noble, I bet all the women swoon over you" She pulled a pout at her lips purposefully eyeing the man up and down and turning away shyly when he blinked at her as if in a trance.

"Well, I've got my eyes on a certain woman" Sudden nervousness entered his voice.

"Aw who's that?" she looked back up under her lashes

"Well, you of course, my Lady" back to being confident he smirked down at her with a curt bow of his head.

"Really me?" she mocked surprised as he stepped closer looking down at her.

"We men should always protect delicate woman such as yourself" he leaned in close to her placing his fingers to her chin and turning her up to look at him, her trap triggered. Kankuro bit his cheeks as to not say anything, he would have gladly ripped the guy's arm off, but his sister insisted on showing her fury.

"Delicate huh?" She parted her lips and smirked, ruthless, cruel, and mocking his gesture, her hand shot up, fingers crushing into his wrist from her chin and twisted it backwards effortlessly for herself, painful for him. He pulled back crying out, attention of a few people passing turning to them, and followed her grip down until he fell to his knees, now looking up at the smug grin on her lips "Who's delicate now?" Her deadly tone shifted to a loud command, the few who had watched eyes widening at the sudden sight

"If I ever hear that a man in this camp has touched a woman against her wishes" she looked down at Kenji who stared up fearfully her grip tightening on his hand causing another cry possibly a broken bone "I will personally see fit that that man is punished by me" She raised her other fist and smirked down to him "I will show mercy this one time, because as you said I'm a Lady" With that she slammed her fist into his nose and pulled her bloody hand away, pushing his limp body down unceremoniously and stepping over him to walk by the shocked crowd unfazed and smirking. Kankuro laughed down at the groaning man.

"You're lucky you aren't dead" He followed his sister path but chose to step onto his stomach causing another painful groan. The threat put upon them, every man in camp never dared disrespect the kunoichi's again.

They always said keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Who knew that could backfire?

The enthusiastic atmosphere swelled around the Sand's camp; the once serious shinobi energized by the arrival of their Kazekage. Gaara had only nodded to their acknowledgement and yet it thrilled the troops giving them a newfound fire to succeed in the upcoming battle. Five years of her command on the front and she'd never quite seen the camp's desire for victory, she'd have to scold Gaara later for it if she didn't want to laugh about it.

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