CHAPTER 4- The Final Countdown (of Elimination)

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I rushed over to the elimination area. Paintbrush came running after me.
I was stopped by a crowd and pushed my way through.
I had to stop this.
People gasped as they saw me break through the crowd and run up to the two competitors. When I saw their states, I cringed.
Knife's hand was obviously broken, since it was dangling at an awkward angle. His mouth dripped with blood and he had a black eye. Trophy wasn't much better.
He had a black eye too, but it was darker. He had an obvious knife wound in his arm. Another deep scratch on his leg, which was dripping blood and in obvious need of treating.
"Hey! Break it up, what's wrong with you two?!" I yelled at them.
"Trophy needed to be put in his place! He's a jerk!"
I looked at Knife disbelievingly. "Isn't that what you call yourself, though?"
He went silent after that. Trophy started to run his mouth.
"He started it. Not my fault he can't take a pu-"
I swiftly rounded and punched him in the face. "You have no right to be talking. Shut up."
He went silent, but I could tell he was furious. "Both of you, get to my cabin. I'll help you, and stay far away from each other. Honestly, I might as well bring you there myself. Come on."
They trudged after me, Knife wincing with pain as he held his broken wrist.
Paintbrush ran after me. "Lightbulb, wait up!"
I stopped and told Knife and Trophy to keep going.
Paintbrush caught up to me and we kept walking. "Why'd you break that up?"
I sighed. "I hate to see people fighting, especially if they're fighting over this dumb game. I mean, it's 1 mil, sure, but it's not worth fighting over."
They nodded, then turned stern. "You could've gotten cracked, or worse. You know MePhone's not around right now, not like MePad can recover any better. And Toilet.. God, I don't even want to have to encounter him."
I laughed and nodded, rolling my eyes. "Even so, I would've been fine. Don't worry about me. I can hold my own."
They looked concerned, then sighed. "Fine. I guess I won't. But don't say I didn't warn you when you get hurt breaking up fights." They smiled at me, genuinely, then walked off to our team. I sighed and entered the cabin.
They were staying away from each other as I suggested. I tended to Knife first, putting a makeshift cast on his wrist before tending to his eye. There wasn't much to do there, so I told him to hold an ice pack on it with his good hand. Then I walked over to Trophy.
His cut seemed to be worse now, but not as bad as it was infected. He just looked pale.
"You're losing blood. This might hurt."
I put a rag on the cut and put pressure on it to prevent more blood from spilling. Then I sighed and tended to the knife wound.
It was deep. "The cuts need stitches. I'll put a bandage on em and stitch it up later. You two are NOT-"
Then I heard a knock on the door. I answered it to see Cheesy, anxiously tapping his foot.
"Uh, yeah?"
He looked up to see me. "Can I come in?"
I invited him in and as soon as he saw Trophy, Cheesy rushed over to him.
"Are you alright?"
Trophy rolled his eyes, but something else was in them, too. "I'm fine, twerp. Just a bit beaten is all."
"But I heard her say you need stitches! That's definitely not good."
I left them be and invited Knife to sleep on my bed, as he was gonna have to stay here for a couple more days before returning to the competition. Same with Trophy.
I texted the team chat.
MissBrightPersonality: ayo who's up to give up their bed for a paitent
Science101, idiot, and Br1ghtArt1st are typing..
I looked up to see Cheesy exit, smiling at Trophy one last time before leaving. I laughed at Trophy, and his face went a little red. I looked back down at my phone to see Fan, Test Tube, and Paintbrush had already replied.
Science101: I'll sleep on the floor!
idiot: is it knife
Br1ghtArt1st: Lightbulb yk there are open beds right
MissBrightPersonality: oh lol right- thanks tho Test Tube
Science101: Anytime!
idiot: is knife ok?
MissBrightPersonality: yeah he's fine
idiot: im coming to see him in a few
MissBrightPersonality: k just don't touch his right hand it's broken lol
idiot: you said he was fine, Lightbulb broken wrists arent fine >:/
I went over to Tissue's bed, the only one available. It was covered in snot. Great.
MissBrightPersonality: alr so someone's actually gonna have to give up their bed since Tissue's isn't an option lmao
Science101: I bet Fan would if it was for Knife lol.
idiot: shut up typhoid
Br1ghtArt1st: Guess I will
MissBrightPersonality: thanks :>
Br1ghtArt1st: Anytime lmao
idiot: shut up typhoid
[Reply] Science101: Did you just call me typhoid?
I laughed at Fan's autocorrect fail and shut my phone off. Knife was already passed out on my bed, and Trophy was texting someone and smiling. Probably Cheesy.
I warned him to not wake up Knife and left.

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