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"Lightbulb, wait!" I called after her.
She was walking away. She was walking out of my life, just like that.
As I heard the woosh of the entrance, I turned to Test Tube. Did she look... guilty?
I glared at her. "Your pity-getting scheme won't work on me. Don't try anything."
She looked to the floor. Fan put a comforting hand on her back and turned to me.
"She's had enough; I think you both have. I'll check on Lightbulb. Don't do anything dumb."
He hugged Test Tube before going to leave.
"Wait!" I called after him. "Can I go with you, please?"
He looked at me. "I don't think she... wants you, right now."
Then he turned and left.
I sat in awkward silence with Test Tube, who was obviously crying.
Talk to her, a voice in my head said. She's upset, and you caused this.
I sighed and got up. "Uh, Test Tube?" I mumbled.
She looked up, her eyes were red from crying. "Yeah?"
"Are you okay?" I asked her, bracing myself for the worst. I knew she was going to blow up on me, I was sure, I-
"Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks."
I stared at her for a moment. "That's it?" I said, immediately regretting it when she looked at me like I'd said something crazy.
"That's. It?" she repeated, in a more severe than questioning tone— a guilty lump formed in my throat.
"What were you expecting? Did you want to make me angry? What was I supposed to say to please you?" she screamed, getting up. "God, you're so.. I don't even know how to describe you! I hate you!"
'I hate you.' I stood in shocked silence. her breath hitched and she ran off, leaving me alone in the lab, free to explore.
"So much for that idea.." I grumbled. I sat on a bed and thought about what to do.
"I'll follow her. What's the worst that could happen?" I said, trying to calm my nerves. I breathed in and out, a breathing exercise Lightbulb had taught me. And, quietly contemplating whether I was doing the right thing, I wandered off in the direction Test Tube had gone.

lmao this is a short chapter but i have no ideas so

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