CHAPTER 13- Screwing Up

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When I got to the surface, I immediately started to look around for Paintbrush. Paintbrush wasn't there, though. Just the usual, elimination grounds and a cafe.
I walked around, trying to find them when I heard.. crying?
I tried to find the source of the noise. It was behind a tree.
I looked around the corner to find Paintbrush, knees curled up to their chest, sobbing. They hadn't noticed me yet, so I sat down next to them and put a reassuring hand on their back. They looked up and smiled softly.
"What's up?" I asked, trying to keep the mood casual.
They looked to the ground for a moment, trying to form their thoughts into words. "God, I.. I don't know. When I heard what she said, when like.. y'know?"
Laughing, I nodded. "Thoughts are chaotic, amirite?"
They nodded. I grabbed their hand and held it for a minute, relishing the soft feel of it. They smiled at me and leaned into me, crying softly. I held them, kissing their forehead and sighing.
"Look, Test Tube didn't mean it.."
They looked at me as if I'd said something crazy. "Are you for real? She obviously meant it. You know Test Tube always says what's on her mind."
"She was just mad," I said. "She wasn't thinking."
"So you forgive her? Just like that?"
"No, but I understand."
Paintbrush pulled away from me. "I just wanted to keep you safe. Is that a problem?"
"No, no! I.." I trailed off.
They got up, giving me a cold glare. "I thought you'd be with me."
I got up too and grabbed their hand. "No, Painty, I am! Please!"
They yanked their hand away and left me in tears.
Shaking in disbelief, I plopped on the ground. I watched as their silhouette darkened in the night, getting farther away with each step. Soon enough, I started to cry, and it quickly turned into a sob.
By the time the first rays of sunlight gently stroked through the leaves of the tree I was under, my eyes hurt and my head rang. My eyes were probably puffy from crying all night. I was scared Paintbrush wanted to break up with me, and that anxiety stayed with me through the morning.
When I saw them again, they were sitting in my favorite spot; the elimination stage.
I sat by them. They looked up and saw me, their eyes brightening for a minute before realization struck. They looked away.
"I know you're mad at me, Paintbrush. I don't blame you. But-"
And they hugged me.
I realized their face was stained with tears from before as they cried into my shoulder. I held them and sighed.
"Shh.. it's okay," I soothed them, rubbing their back comfortingly.
"I- I know I should've trusted Test Tube. She wouldn't hurt us, right?" Paintbrush pleaded, looking into my eyes. I couldn't lie to them.
"She has it in her, of course. We all do. I just doubt she'd hurt... us, you know?"
Paintbrush nodded. "Yeah. I get it. She had every right to be mad, and you have every right to be mad at me. I'm sorry," they added, burying their face in their hands.
I looked at them, sympathy growing in my stomach. "I'm not mad at you. I thought you were mad at me, if anything."
Paintbrush looked relieved and wiped a tear from their eye. "I'm glad you're not mad. I was just being dumb and superstitious."
"Yeah, it's all good."
We sat in comfortable silence for a while, just holding onto each other. It was about evening when they spoke again.
"I can't wait for Christmas."
I looked at them, confused. "Christmas?"
They nodded. "Yeah. It's my favorite holiday, and the first time I'm away from family."
"It's not even Halloween yet, Painty. Slow your roll."
They laughed. "Not my fault that I'm excited."
I let go of them and laid back on the stage. "I wish we could do this every day."
They nodded and smiled. "Yeah."
Suddenly, voices exploded from the cabins. I shot up to see what was going on.
Paintbrush looked at me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me over to the cabins. "I swear to God, if this is another fight.." I heard them mutter under their breath.
They fought their way through the crowd and stopped cold.
"What? What is it?" I asked, pushing to stand by them. What I saw made me freeze with shock.


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