CHAPTER 12- Forgetful.

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I lied awake, silently trying to figure out what I'd forgotten. So much had happened over the last couple of days, I'd known I had to do something but I just forgot what. Maybe I had to feed Baxter? No, he's fine. I fed him yesterday.
Paintbrush shifted beside me, and I looked over to them. Their bristles were in their face and they looked so beautiful. I smiled and softly brushed their bristles aside.
It was about 1 in the morning, and I couldn't sleep. I told Test Tube Paintbrush and I were dating, and all she did was raise her eyebrow and say, "Took you long enough."
Still struggling to remember, I eventually raised myself and sat up on my bed. "God, why can't I remember anything lately?" I whispered to myself. "It's not like I've had anything to do.."
Things to do.. I did have something to do, I knew that, but what was it?
I smacked my palm to my forehead in an attempt to remember, but all that did was cause me pain. I gripped my head, a headache forming in my skull. I grumbled and got up, looking for Test Tube's pain medications.
"-And you know, I don't think they're bad. At all. They were just trying to protect Lightbulb," I heard from around the corner.
"Fan, they accused me of trying to kill both them and Lightbulb. You don't think I'd do that, do you?"
"Well, no, but-"
"But what? You think there's a nugget of truth in that? Of course not. I'm NOT insane."
"Test Tube, please, calm down-"
"No, I'm not gonna 'calm down'! They accused me of something serious! I think they only apologized because Lightbulb told them to. When I gave them a place to stay! I let them into my lab and they accuse me of trying to murder not just them, but Lightbulb!"
"Test Tube-"
"You don't get it, Fan. I'm not mad that they hurt me. I can deal with a small crack. What I can't deal with is an accusation of murder!"
"Test Tube-"
"If they think that, maybe I'll just let Lightbulb stay in my lab. I don't care anymore. I'm done."
"Test Tube, stop!"
I stumbled back, my headache growing bigger with every step. She wanted to throw Paintbrush out? Really?-
Gathering myself, I slowly walked into Test Tube's room.
"-They're fine. So stop freaking out."
Test Tube was quiet, she didn't notice me at first. Fan did though, so he awkwardly cleared his throat to draw Test Tube's attention. She looked behind her and he eyes looked stricken. She knew she was caught.
"Um.. it's early, Lightbulb. What're you doing awake?" she said, casting her gaze to the floor.
I played dumb and looked at her blankly. "I need painkillers. Do you have any on you?"
Relief flooded Test Tube's eyes and she went to dig through her cabinets to find some. I allowed myself to enter her room.
"So, Tube, why did you want to kick Paintbrush out?" I asked, fixing her with a glare.
Test Tube froze, looking to Fan for help. He stayed silent.
"Well, uh, Lightbulb, I, uh.." she stuttered, trailing off.
"You said you didn't care. You don't care about your own teammate?" I said, raising my voice a little.
Test Tube's face was getting redder. I could tell she was getting angry, so I pressed on, determined to make her tell me.
"Are you jealous? You know they already apologized to you."
"Are you hurt that you don't have anyone? What is it?"
"Lightbulb, she's heard enough. Maybe-"
"Tell me why, Test Tube! Tell me!"
"You know what, Lightbulb? Why don't you live with being a shut-in?" Test Tube shouted, taking me by surprise.
"Why don't you live with having your love ripped away from you? You think this is about Paintbrush? God, why don't you get your head out of the clouds and realize that it's so much more than that? I died when Fan got with Knife, because I knew that he would take Fan away from me. So I tired to get over it and give him space. I was going to hang out with you, but there you go dating Paintbrush! I don't have anyone now. I'm on my own."
I stood in stunned silence. Fan looked at her like she was the scum of the earth. He spoke.
"Test Tube, are you joking? 'On your own'?"
She started to say something then stopped. "Fan, I.."
Fan got up and headed towards the door. He stopped suddenly.
Paintbrush was there, listening to everything.
"Are you serious?" they said, stepping into the room. "Kick me out? Just because you're jealous?"
Test Tube casted her gaze to the floor, ashamed.
"If you don't want me to be here, why don't I just leave?!" Paintbrush yelled. Tears welled up in their eyes and they ran out of the room, their steps echoing from the spacious lab walls.
"Yeah. I think I'm gonna leave too," Fan said, glaring at Test Tube. He left the room and his phone lit up his face in the dark as he turned it on.
It was only Test Tube and I. I looked away.
"Are you going to leave?" Test Tube asked, going back to rummaging through her cabinets.
Silently I shook my head.
She threw a bottle of painkillers towards me. "Now?"
I caught them and again shook my head.
Test Tube stared at me for a moment before speaking again. "Why aren't you leaving?" she asked, eyeing me suspiciously.
"You said you needed someone. Well, here I am," I said, plopping down on the floor. She stared at me for a good minute until tears welled in her eyes and she fell to her knees, crying. I crawled over to her and hugged her. We sat there for a moment, just holding each other before she spoke.
"I- I didn't know what to say. It was an accident.." 
I nodded and pulled away. "I get it," I said, gently wiping away her tears. "But I think you should go after them."
She looked up at me. "Can you give me some time? I'll do it, I promise, but I-.." Then she broke down crying again.
I wrapped my arms around her in a way to comfort her.
"Don't worry, Tube. This was kinda my fault. I shouldn't have pushed you. I'm sorry."
She looked at the floor, and pulled her knees up to her chest. "You just wanted answers. You had a right to be mad. I should've been upfront about my feelings."
I got up and looked down at her. Sympathy shone in my eyes, and she must've realized that because her gaze hardened.
"I don't need your sympathy. Don't even try."
I nodded. "I'm gonna go see if Paintbrush and Flatface are okay."
She smiled and nodded. As I left, I heard her whisper "Flatface" under her breath and laugh. I smiled and inputted the code to leave.

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