CHAPTER 5- The Movie

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Me and Paintbrush were getting ready to leave. We were going to the movies to see a new film, The Last Words. It was supposedly the new Ghostface or something.
"I doubt it will," Paintbrush said, rolling their eyes.
"I dunno Painty, it might.. jump ya!" I said, grabbing onto their arm and shaking it once to scare them, "when ya least expect it! You never know."
"Oh my god, Lightbulb. You nearly gave me a heart attack!" They glared at me playfully and got back to putting on their jacket.
I sat on Test Tube's bed since mine was occupied. "I love October," Paintbrush said, taking me off guard.
"Oh? Why's that?"
They finished putting their jacket on and posed. "So I can show this baby off!" they joked.
I smiled. "Real reason, Paintbrush."
They rolled their eyes. "Spooky stuff. Come on, let's go!"
They grabbed my hand and checked their watch. "We're gonna get there on time. Come on."
They led me outside and we walked down the road to get a cab, since the competition area didn't have much other than a cafe.
I flagged one down and smiled at the driver. "Er- how much money is a ride for two?"
Paintbrush and the driver exchanged looks, then Paintbrush said, "The theatre." They gave money to the driver and helped me in.
"I could have paid!" I scoffed. "It's not that big a deal.."
Paintbrush sighed. "Let me make you comfortable. Since we're only friends.." they added under their breath.
"Only friends? Whaddya mean?"
They looked startled for a moment, then, embarrassed, looked out of the window.
I stared at them. "You can't leave me on a cliffhanger.."
Paintbrush looked back at me, and said, "W-what cliffhanger? No cliffhangers here."
I looked at them with an unamused expression. "You serious Painty? I mean when you called me just a friend. I thought that's what we were?"
Paintbrush said something unintelligible, then looked back out the window.
So I reached for their hand and took it.
They looked at me, then at our hands, then back at me. "Are you really-"
I pulled it away. "I knew it! Haha!"
They looked confused. "Know what?"
I smiled genuinely for the first time in a long time. "You-"
"So sorry to break this moment, but you're here." The driver looked back at us.
Paintbrush quietly grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car.
"So.. why'd you?-"
"Checking if you were alright. You looked.. disappointed."
Just as they did, they looked let down. But they shrugged it off and we entered the theatre.
We both got our tickets, a popcorn bucket to share, and entered the movie. They got us back row seats!
"Wow, Paintbrush, this.." But I couldn't finish. They rented the entire room. Free of people. Got the best seats. I think my face lit up so much I made the entire theatre brighter.
I dimmed myself the best I could, but it was still a little bright from the surprise and.. other.. feeling. I felt warm. Like a weighted blanket was sitting on my shoulders. It was comfortable.
I sat down next to them.


I flinched as the movie showed a gorey scene, clinging onto Paintbrush for dear life, shivering.
They laughed at me and noticed my shakey hands. "You okay?"
I nodded. "J-just a little cold," I lied. They took off their jacket and put it around my shoulders. They looked at me, concern in their eyes. "Better?"
I nodded. "Now."
I didn't let go of their arm until the end of the movie.
"Did you like it?" they asked as we walked out.
"You.. you rented out an entire theatre room. For me?" I looked at them in awe.
They nodded. "You're special to me, y'know? I want you to feel comfortable. Keep the jacket," they added, smiling and hugging me. I hugged them back.
For some reason, I wish I could do more. But I have a bad habit of keeping my thoughts to myself.
They flagged down another cab and we rode home. As I leaned into their shoulder, I felt my consciousness slipping away. The last thing I felt was Painty's arm around me as we drove away.

(A/N: Omg I loved writing this

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