CHAPTER 6- My Girl.

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I awoke to see Paintbrush holding onto me, leaning on a tree. They were awake on their phone. A song was playing as they stared at the moon. I peeked at the title. "We Fell In Love In October". I smiled. They were singing.
Suddenly they looked down to see me awake and blushed. They turned off their phone and chuckled.
"Did I wake you?"
I was speechless. They looked so.. I pushed the thoughts out of my head. We should be just friends. That's probably what they want.. right?-
Finally, I spoke. "No, not at all."
They smiled. "Good, good."
It was silent. I liked it that way. Sometimes you don't need to speak.
Suddenly I was shivering. Again. So Paintbrush pulled the jacket from my back and used it to cover me. I smiled and used their chest as a pillow. I was almost unconscious when Paintbrush gently eased me onto the tree and entered the cabin, which was close by. I missed the warmth of them. Then someone else shook me.
"Painty?" I whispered, rubbing my eyes.
"Test Tube. Wanna sleep in my lab? It's, like, midnight, and you probably- hey, where'd you get that jacket?"
"Paintbrush gave it to me last night. And let's wait for them to come back. I don't want to leave them."
Test Tube nodded. Soon enough, Painty came back out with an armful of blankets. I smiled at them when I saw them.
I said, quietly, "I missed you." They didn't hear.
But Test Tube did. She gave me an amused stare, got up and talked to Paintbrush, then left. I yawned.
"Want me to help you up?"
I nodded. "Please."
They helped me up and we made our way to the soda machine.
"What, want to get a drink?" I joked. They rolled their eyes and put in orders at random. Dr. Fizz, water, Dr. Fizz, Dr. Fizz, water-
Then we got sucked into the machine.
Fearfully I held onto Paintbrush, clinging to them.
Soon enough we hit a hardwood floor. "We're here. You can let go now."
I opened my eyes to see a neat lab, with two pull-out beds already made. Test Tube must've prepared.
When I realized I was still hanging onto Paintbrush, I got curious. How long would they let me hold on for?
"Uhh, Lightbulb? You okay?" They looked down at me with concern in their eyes.
I nodded. "I just need a hug is all."
So they hugged me, and I felt them kiss me on the head before walking to their bed and lying down.
I walked to my bed, which was very close to theirs, and started to drift off to sleep.
I heard a clanking noise and slowly opened my eyes. Test Tube was up working on something.
"Er- is it like a glitch, or something?" I heard Fan talking, but I couldn't make out what he was saying since I was too tired. Then I heard Test Tube again. "Fan, I'm being serious. What'd you do to this thing?"
I heard Fan's voice come from her phone, which was propped up against the wall. I could make out the words this time.
"I dunno! It just started sending pop-ups, I literally can't get them off my screen."
Test Tube sighed. "Don't be too loud. Lightbulb and Paintbrush are sleeping."
"Oh-. Sorry."
Test Tube nodded, then after about a minute laughed, sounding satisfied.
"Got it! I'll come up in a minute. The laptop's fixed now."
She hung up the phone and sighed happily before noticing I was awake. "Oh golly, sorry Lightbulb! Fan called me. Did I wake you?"
I shrugged and whispered, "Eh, don't worry bout it Tube. Mind if I come up with you for a minute?"
She nodded and we walked to the tube. She inputted a code and we got sucked up.
When we reached the surface she immediately rushed off to our cabin, while I started to wonder off aimlessly.
I found myself at the elimination area. I hopped onto the stage and just sat there for a moment.
I was calm and relaxed. For a moment, it seemed like the world had went quiet.
I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even realize that Knife had sat next to me. Once he cleared his throat, I snapped out of it and stared at him in surprise.
"Knife, why are you-"
He silenced me with a glare. "I know. But Trophy kept laughing at his phone and it was seriously making me want to break my other hand punching him till he bleeds."
I looked at him, unamused. "Then you'd be stuck in our cabin longer."
He rolled his eyes and looked away longingly at our cabin. "I think I can live with that."
"Simp," I joked. "Who is it?"
He blushed and looked away. "None of your business."
"Really, tough guy? Tell me."
He murmured something. "What?"
"It's Fan, alright? It's Fan."
I stared in surprise. Fan?
"Really? Are you just pulling my leg, or?-"
He buried his face in his good hand despairingly. "I know. I know. But he's just so-.."
I put my hand on his back comfortingly. "Chill. He talks about you often, so I suggest you shoot your shot before he loses interest."
He smiled at me. "Thanks."
I nodded and looked at the time on my phone before noticing that Fan had texted the group chat. It was, conveniently, about Knife.


Under it was a picture of him and Fan, taking a picture.
"Hey sharp guy, look at this."
He looked over at his phone, then looked at me. Then, he started to cry.
"Uh- what'd I do?-" I asked, panicking.
"Nothing. Just- thank you."
He jumped off the stage and ran toward our cabin. I smiled after him.
"Guess I should get back to bed. It's, like, 3 AM."
So I hopped off the stage and went to the lab, stumbling into bed and soon enough passing out.


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