CHAPTER 11- Anger And Hurt.

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"You did what?"
I stared at Paintbrush, disgusted. Is that why Test Tube's face was like that?
Alarmed, they started to stutter. But I didn't hear any of it.
"Paintbrush, are you kidding me? Why would you do that?!"
They sighed. "Well, she tried to ki-"
"For the last time, you jeebweezer, I tried to do nothing of the sort!" Test Tube yelled, getting closer to Paintbrush and poking their chest defiantly. "I was trying to get the fire back under control before you two woke up! If it had been serious, I would've, but it wasn't! Why are you being so hypocritical?!"
They glared at her. "How are we supposed to know that? What if you were going to leave us to die in there?"
I stayed silent as the two argued, my thoughts drowning them out. Soon my mind went on autopilot, and before I knew it I was walking to the exit tube and inputting the code to leave.
"Lightbulb, wait!" I could hear Paintbrush shout behind me, but I ignored them and allowed myself to get sucked up back to the surface.
When I got up there, the first few strokes of dawn lighting illuminated the cabins and elimination grounds. For a moment, I was at peace.
"It's so.. beautiful.." I murmured, softly smiling at the beams of light gently stroking through the leaves of the autumn trees, making the light orange. The soft breeze of dawn lifted my hair, and it felt peaceful.
Until I heard Paintbrush's voice behind me, and felt their hand grab my wrist.
"Lightbulb, I-"
With my free hand, I grabbed their other wrist and pulled them towards me, so that they were down to my level.
"Why did you do it." I demanded, tightening my grip.
"I'll tell you if you let go."
I allowed my grip to soften, and they slipped their wrist out of my hand. I sat on the ground and awaited their excuse.
They sat down beside me and started to talk.
"I.. I got angry. I was upset, I wasn't thinking straight. I thought Test Tube was going to hurt you, and I didn't want that. When you left to wander the lab, I thought Test Tube had driven you away. I only saw red. I'm sorry."
They looked away, ashamed. I got up.
"Thank you for the apology, but I'm sorry. I can't forgive you this fast. It's not right. What I want is for you to go apologize to Test Tube, not to me. If you can't even do that, leave me alone."
Then I walked away.
I sat on the stage of the elimination area, which is the place I usually go to to think. Sitting back, I let the soft breeze of autumn drift me into a place of ease.
It had been a couple of hours, I assumed, when I heard him.
"Guess what?"
I opened my eyes to see Knife, smiling like an idiot. I raised my eyebrow teasingly.
"He said yeah?"
He nodded. "Since MePhone's gone, Fan said it would be a while before the show continued. We're together now."
I smiled, although inside I felt a small bite of jealousy stab my heart. Why wasn't it as easy with Paintbrush and I?
"That's.. amazing! Good job. I'm happy for you guys. If you need anything, like gift ideas, tell me, kay?" I said, leaning back. Knife jumped off the stage and waved as he left.
Once he was out of sight, I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my head in between them, crying silently. How was it that easy for them?
After a while, I heard faint rustling as someone got up by me. Knife?
I looked up to see Paintbrush instead, putting their hand on my back in an attempt to comfort me. I looked away.
"Did you apologize?" I asked, adjusting myself so that I'd be more comfortable.
"Yeah. Test Tube kicked me out, but it was worth it. Are you still mad at me?"
I started to nod, then stopped myself. Why would I still be mad?
"I guess not. But if you ever hurt anyone else for me, I won't talk to you anymore. One warning," I teased, nudging them softly.
They sighed playfully. "If they hurt you, I guess I'll have to break that promise."
"I guess you will," I murmured, taking their hand. They returned the gesture.
"So, um. I was gonna ask you something, but.."
"What is it?" I asked, looking at them curiously.
"Umm.. will you.. be-.."
"Spit it outttttt!" I laughed, prolonging the word.
"Will you go out with me?" they stuttered, taking me by surprise.
"I- I- uh-..." I said, unsure of how to respond.
"Too soon?" they asked, grimacing.
They started to apologize profusely, but I didn't hear them. Once again, I was off in my own little world.
They wanted to go out with me? I was over the moon. Smiling like an idiot, I just hugged them.
"Yes. I will."
(A/N: Haha it's longer lmao

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