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We sat in comfortable silence for a while. Eventually Lightbulb fell asleep, quietly snoring. I smiled and pulled her closer. A faint glow still lingered from her, softly illuminating the area around us.
I gently picked her up, avoiding waking her. Silently I carried her in the direction of the main room.
After walking around for a little while, we still weren't finding it. I started to panic. Did she really go this far into the lab?
After wandering the halls a little more, I concluded my fear:
We were lost.
To think of what to do, I sat down with Lightbulb still asleep in my arms. She turned a little bit but didn't wake up. I smiled and got to thinking.
I could scream for help? No, Test Tube probably wouldn't help.. she's already mad at me for cracking her tube.
I could try to find my way out? No.. there's only one exit.
With such dim light I couldn't find where the wall even was, so I gently shook Lightbulb.
She raised her hand a little and swatted me away, softly laughing. "Baxterrrrr..."
"Actually, Paintbrush. You were close though."
"Painty? Er- where are we right now?"
I shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine."
She sighed and smiled. "Well, I guess we need to start finding our way outta here, huh?"
I nodded and helped her up. Then my mind flashed back to when she told me she loved me. My face went a slight red and I smiled.
Lightbulb looked at me, confused. "Why're you smiling like that?"
I looked back at her, surprised. "Hm? Oh- um, just thinking about someone! Why?"
She rolled her eyes. "Whoooo?" she asked, prolonging the word. Clearly she didn't remember when we confessed to each other. I smiled.
"Why would I tell you?" I teased. She stuck out her tongue at me.
"Cuz, I'm your best friend! Sooo, who?"
"Can't tell you yet. Secret stuff. Plus, we need to find our way out. Why are you so worried about it anyway?"
She stayed silent for a couple of moments. After a minute she spoke. "Cuz."
I raised my eyebrow sarcastically. "Really? That gives me a lot of information, thanks."
She huffed. "Shut up."
"So will you tell me why?"
I sighed. "Fine, whatever. Just- let's go find our way out."
I took her hand and let my hand guide us. The wall had begun to feel more familiar, and I smiled. We were back.
Suddenly the hall filled with a bright light, like we'd been flash-bombed. I covered my eyes from the blinding brightness that surrounded us, then I saw Lightbulb more clearly.
Her eyes were puffy, as if she'd been crying. She had just finished a motion with her arm, I assumed she'd wiped the tears away. I looked at her in concern.
"You good?" I asked, clinging tightly to her hand.
She nodded and smiled. "Where's-"
"Lightbulb! I've been looking everywhere for you, where have you been?!"
That grating voice interrupted Lightbulb, and I turned around to see Test Tube. Her face was fixed, a small patch covering the cracked glass. She smiled at her then her eyes settled on me. She glared.
"Did you know your friend punched me in the face?"
Lightbulb looked at me, a mix of surprise and anger setting on her face as she processed what Test Tube had said. She glared.
"You did what?"

(A/N: Short but school y'know!

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